Engineering - Urban and Regional Planning

Year Title Authors
2004 The Mechanism of Awareness Activation & Popular Participation in Constructional Planning at West Bank Manal Ersan Saeed Qararih
2004 Trends of Physical Development of Qabatiya Town in the Light its Spatial Relation with the Surrounding Settlments Mustafa Rashid Mohammed Mustafa
2004 Visual & Aesthetic Aspects & Elements of the city "Analytical Study of the Centre of Nablus" Hani Khalil Al-Farran
2003 Analysis and Evaluation of Governmental School Buildings in the West Bank Nazih Omar Mohamed Yousef
2003 Buildings and Population Qualities in the City Of Tulkram Nasr Ibrahim Abdullah Brih
2003 Characteristics and Distribution Patterns of Migrants to Jenin City Nazmi Jamil Ahmed Abdelghafur
2003 Distribution and Planning of Industrial Areas in the Cities of Northern Palestinian Bank Abdel Rahim Mahmoud Hasan
2003 Factors Affecting the Planning and Physical Features in the Refugee Camps of Tulkarem Governorate Muatasem Hilmi Khader Abu Tamam
2003 Future Planning and Development Direction for Al Ezaryya and Abu Dees Towns Mohammad Anwar Hassan Al Khateeb
2003 Land Uses in Basin of Tulkarm City and the Resulted Environmental Impacts Nasser Abdullah Mohammed Mufleh
2003 Physical Change in the City of Jerusalem and the Analysis of the Israeli Development Plans in the City Hashim Moh'd Ibrahim Abu Helal
2003 Regeneration and Development of the Old City of Anabta Ghassan Abdul Hamid Mohamed Qurmh
2003 Soap Factories Architecture and its relation to Urban Fabric of the Old City of Nablus Muna Mahmmoud Yousef Salameh
2003 The Effects of Population Density on the Family and social Problems in Nablus City Fadia Ahmed Amin Almsri
2003 The Multistoried Building And The Purposes In The City Of Nublus From A Socio-Urban Perspective Wa’el Abdul-Ra’ouf Ahrned Dawoud
2003 Urban Structure and its Impact on Planning and Land Use in the Palestinian Town of Bir Nabala Faisal Yousif Moustfa Mohammad Sabbah
2003 الثوابت والمتغيرات في مؤسسة التخطيط في فلسطين الدولة وإسقاطاتها على التنمية توفيق حامد توفيق البديري
2003 تخطيط وتحليل وتطوير الخدمات التجارية في مدينة طولكرم باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) محمد ناجي عبد السلام عوض
2002 Design Criterions For Low-Income Housing Raed Mohmmad Saleh Yosef
2002 Impacts of Energy Management and Conservation On Electrical Energy Planning in The West Bank Abdel-Sallam Ibrahem Mohammed
2002 Landscaping of Palestinian Cities' Entrances, The Case Study of The Western Entrance of Nablus City Fida I. Yaseen
2002 Small Projects In Palestine: the Difficulties and Planning Patterns in which, a Case Study on Nablus Najat Omar Sadiq Abu Baker
2002 The Peculiarities of Urbanization and Its Inter Relation With The Built up Environment, A Study Case of Tulkarm City Asim Ahmad Ibraheem Khamees
2002 المعايير التخطيطية في تطوير المدارس، حالة دراسية لمحافظة رام الله والبيرة بسام عبد العزيز أحمد سرحان
2002 واقع وتوجهات التطور العمراني للمراكز المحلية في شمال الضفة الغربية، دراسة حالة بلدة عزون، محافظة قلقيلية محمد رشيد حسين خالد
