Characteristics and Distribution Patterns of Migrants to Jenin City

Discussion Committee: 
Doctor Ali Abdelhamid
Nazmi Jamil Ahmed Abdelghafur
This study searches in the issue of migration to jenin city , since jenin is considered as one of the most important cities in the northern part of the in west bank , in addition to be accented of administration and trade in the district that includes 86 people collections. As the searcher is One of the inhabitants of that region and a participant in the social and economical activities that take place there and he is close to what goes on there , besides he runs one of the social services establishments in region of the study , so he noticed that a great number of the people who live and work in Jenin or in the 48 areas , and he noticed the city extended and enlarged greath through the last decade , and so he decided to study this phenomena and discover its aspects especially its reflections on the immigrates and on the growth of the city.
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