Islamic Law - Usol Al-Din

Year Title Authors
2005 Bases of Civilization, and the Elements of its Disappearance From the Point of View of the Holly Quran Ammar Tawfiq Ahmed Badawi
2005 Dialogue in the Holy Qur'an Ma'en Mahmoud Othman Damrah
2005 Exhausting the Sayings (Ahadeeth) in "Fateh Albari" "Saheeh Albkhari" Explanation from Al Boyoo' Book Up to the End of "Al – Makateb" Book Samer Najeh Abdullah Samarah
2005 The Judge Ship in the Holy Quranic "Al-Hakemeya" Abdaulhameed Omar Abdaulhameed Abdalwahed
2005 Verification of the Prophetic Tarditions (Hadith) Mentioned In the Book of "Fateh Al-Bari in Sareh Al-Bukhari" From Start of the Book of Al-Manaqib (Commendable Acts) To The End of the Book of Fadai'l Al-Sahabeh (Virtues of Companions of the Prophet) Rai'd Hisham Omar Assi
2004 Extracting of Saying Mentioned in Sath AL-Bari in Elucidating Saheeh AL-Bukhari, from the Gift Book to the Holy War Book Nu'man Naif Hamdan Asa'd
2004 Extracting the Speeches Hadeeth are Mentioned in Fath Al-Bare the Explantion of Sahih Al-Bukhari from the Book of Al Khawf to the Book Taqseer As-Salah Mohammed Wajeeh Mohammed Heniny
2004 Extracting the Speeches of the Prophet "Hadith" Mentioned in the Book of Fath Albaree, the Explanation of Sahih Al – Bukhari, the Funerals "Al – Jana’az" Book the Chapter up the Prayer on Funerals to the Book of Pligrimag Hanan Eid Abed Abed-Alhadi
2004 Mnhaj Al-Emam Ibn Jareer Al-Tabari fee Al-Tarjeh Bayna Aqwal Al-mofasseren Tammam Kamal Mosa Shair
2004 The Abbreviated Letters (Al-Muqatta't) Fadil Abbas Saleh Abed-Elatief Abu Isa
2004 The Quranic Education in "An-Nour Soura" Anwar Ahmad Dawuod Eamair
2004 Verification of the Sayings (Hadith) Mentioned in the Book of "Fateh Al-Bare in Sahih Al-Bukhari" From the Book" Imposition of the Fifth" Till the End of the Book "Sayings of the Prophets" Mohammad Ahrnad Abed Al-Halim Al- Attar
2004 Water in the Holy Quran Fatama Mohammad Ayed Ebeedih
2003 Al - Emam Abu Hafs Omar Bin Ali Bin Adel Al -Hanbali Who Was Died In 880 Hijra and His Way In Explaining Abd-Hai Hasan Mussa Abaljeed
2003 Collecting the Hadiths that were not Judged by Ibn Higr Askalani in "Fath El Bari" Durgham Saleh Asa'd Jabareen
2003 Exegesis of Quranic Verses Pertinent to Legislations & Practical Rules Applying to the People of the Book Kheir El-Deen Odeh Farah Taha
2003 Inquiry Into the Occasions in Which the Holy Qur’an was Revealed and the Consequences Thereby on Differences among Interpreters and Muslim Scholars (Foqaha) Abdullah Taher Mahmoud Zaid
2003 Preservation of Honor According to the Verses of the Holy Quran Balsam Fares Suliman Rabia
2003 Quranic Versification in Al-Ahzab Verse Sura Hasan Othman Odwan
2003 The Excesses in Authorities & Its Effects on the Disagreement of Scientists Fariz A. Hassan Najm
2003 The Holy Quran Method in Establishing Firm Proof and Evidence Mojahed Mahmuod Ahmad Naser
2003 The Pharaoh's Character in the Holy Quran Qasem Tawfiq Qasem Khader
2003 The Quran’s Unveiling of the Deviations of the People of the Book and It’s Annulment Mousa Mahmoud Taha Saeed
2003 The Stages of Human Creation According to the Verses of the Holy Quran Mona Rifaat Idaas Abdel-Razick
2003 Woman At The Qura`n Stories Hedab Mohammad Ahmad Al-Hussein
