The Quranic Education in "An-Nour Soura"

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Helmie Kamel Abd El-Hadie
Anwar Ahmad Dawuod Eamair
This research includes an introduction and three chapters: The introduction defines the Holy Quran , the topic of this soura and the Quranic education. Besides, it shows the importance of the education vocabulary in the Holy Quran. In the first chapter I explained the rank of An-nour Soura its descent, order and the atmosphere of its descent in addition to its subjects, aims and its basic content. Then I explained how it is important for building up agood muslim individual, bringing up Muslim family and making needed Muslim community. In the second chapter I showed, through verses of this soura, the distinguished Quranic education which is comprehensive for all different sides and components of man : spiritual, moral, psychological, physical, sexual, and mental. These aspects have been treated in a complete and a balanced way in addition to its concern in man needs of economy, security, Jihad, politics, beauty and environment. In the third chapter I indicated the most important features of educational curriculum in the Holy Quran taken from this soura: first, the educational methods such as counseling, practical, preventive, and medical. Then, the educational means such as mosque, house (family) and community. After that, the educational characteristics such as inclusion, balance, reality, positivity, humanity, easiness and rationality. Finally I pointed to the most important educational bases taken from this soura hoping that preachers and educators will make use of them during their work mainly their variety in methods, repetition in education, being aware of individual differences , preparation and continuity.
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