Bases of Civilization, and the Elements of its Disappearance From the Point of View of the Holly Quran

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mohsin Sameeh Al-Khaldi
Ammar Tawfiq Ahmed Badawi
I've divided my thesis into a preface and four chapters. In the preface, I illustrated the lingual and idiomatic definitions of civilization and culture and showed the differences between them. In the first chapter, I talked about the elements of civilization and its bases and substructures only on which a perfect civilization is based. These bases are: belief in God, right dogmatic imagination, science and education, good deeds, morals, comprehensiveness, addressing all people, prosperous economy, peace and static political discipline. In the second chapter, I discussed the safety criteria for the continuity of civilization. These criteria protect civilization from deviation and protect it from vanishing and downfall. These appear in exhortation and calling to account, enjoining right conduct and forbidding indecency, and the consideration of God legislations. In the third chapter, I explained the elements that destroy civilization and cause it vanish such as disbelief ( apostasy), injustice, indulging in luxury, misdeeds and sins, superiority complex and oppression, inclination to materialism, and economical corruption. In the fourth chapter, I talked about the future consolidation of Islamic civilization, and I explained the truthful omens for this consolidation. Then I showed how The Islamic civilization is concerned with mankind and it continues through his existence. I dealt with the marks of the downfall of contemporary materialistic civilization. Finally I discussed how the Islamic civilization is the inheritor of all civilizations. God is the Lord of success
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