Woman's Role in Decision-taking in the Palestinian Government establishments (1995-2010)

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Othman Othman/supervisor
Dr. Rabeeh Owease/external examiner
Dr. Fasal Za'noun/internal examiner
Dr. Othman Othman/supervisor
Rula Abd Alraheem Hamde Alqutob
This study examined the role of women in decision-making in the Palestinian governmental institutions in the period between (1995-2010), The study searched for the most important obstacles that affect the lives of the Palestinian Working Women and the challenge of taking senior positions as decision maker through studying of the factors that surround the Palestinian women in the government sector. The study reviewed the historical development of working women, and the reasons for joining the labor market, in addition to its political and social role, and her role with the Palestinian factional and parties, before the coming of the Palestinian Authority in 1995. The study also addressed the most important laws pertaining to women working in government institutions in comparison to legal equality with men. Through this study the role of Palestinian women in the first election in 1996 and the second in 2006 was addressed, and to the most important filters and centers that have been able to reach her Palestinian women through legislative and local elections. In the last chapter of the study mentioned the most important results of the questionnaire, which was the base of the study along with the interviews conducted with Palestinian women in decision-making positions in government institutions. Therefore the study relied on descriptive analytical method to describe and interpret and analyze the questionnaire, and the extent of the impact of constraints on women is cultural, social, political and internal and external, and management trends. In addition to a comparative approach to study the number of women candidates in the first and second elections, and the number of those elected in the first and second elections. The below highlight the main findings of the study: 1- Palestinian women play big role in sustainable development, they constitute half of the society, an educator of future generations, which fondle decision makers of men and women. 2- Obstacles that women face in gaining access to decision-making positions affect the structure of Palestinian society, and affect the role of Palestinian women. 3– Despite the Internal and external political, and social factors which hindered the Palestinian women from being decision makers yet many were able to overcome these factors and became leaders ;like Najat Abu Bakr, Egyptian and Magda, and Dalal Salameh, and Zahira Kamal. 4– The local presidential and legislative elections formed real picture on the participation of Palestinian women, and her seeking to access to decision-making positions, although the results are not fair to women. 5- The proportion of women in service jobs such as health and education is the most prevalent;. While this percentage decreases in decision-making positions as head of the Ministry, or Deputy, or Deputy assistant, or members of the Legislative Council. 6- Palestinian women in decision-making positions, and in senior government positions is still weak, which hinders the integration of women in the development process, and disrupts the potential to affect the policy, and prevent alterations in the existing legislation The study recommended the following: 1- Call the institutions of the Palestinian government to exercise positive discrimination in favor of Palestinian women, and commitment to what is stated in the Declaration of Independence. 2- Calling parties, factions, movements, and Palestinian political forces, to highlight women's issues in their performance, and programs, and expand their participation in leadership frameworks at various levels, and work to attract, motivate women involvement in these parties 3- To activate the role of the General Union of Palestinian Women through providing it with skilled members based on democratic elections in accordance with the principle of proportional representation, and the allocation of special budgets for the development of its performance. 4- Calling the institutions of civil society to promote the participation of women in leadership frameworks, and in the center of decision-making. 5- Work on highlighting the actual role of women in decision-making positions and not as job-sufficiency, to motivate women to reach senior positions, and not just the minimum levels.
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