Virtue of Avoidance in the Holy Quran

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Muhsen Sameeh Al-Khaldi/supervisour
Dr. Hatem Jalal/external examiner
Dr. Khaled Elwan/internal examiner
Dr. Muhsen Sameeh Al-Khaldi
Wa'el Khalil Abdel Aziz Abu Arqoub
This study addresses the issue of the virtue of Avoidance (I’rad) in the Holy Quran. The researcher depended on a collection of research methodologies such as the inductive, analytic, deductive and applied approaches. The study deals mainly with the virtue of avoidance in the Holy Quran and the researcher sought to achieve a collection of objectives including the formulation of a clear and determined definition of the virtue of avoidance. The researcher has also explained the different ranks and aspects of this virtue and attempted to discuss its regulations. The study also sought to discover the Quranic approach in presenting this virtue through applied models along with mentioning the reward of those who adopt this virtue. The researcher has divided this study into an introduction and five chapters. In the first chapter, the researcher defined the virtue of avoidance and the implications of its mentioning in the Quranic context. The researcher has provided a definition of the virtue of avoidance as being a virtue that urges the human being to keep himself away from anything that would disrupt or disturb his faith and status among people. In the second chapter, the study addressed the different ranks of this virtue in the Holy Quran and showed how the virtue of avoidance has been part of the personalities of many prophets and believes in their relationships with both believers and non-believers. In the third chapter, the researcher discussed the aspects of this virtue in the Holy Quran and divided them into three types. The first one is avoidance by heart which serves as the basis of all types of avoidance. The second one is the physical avoidance which is represented by total or partial body movement. The third and last type is the behavioral avoidance. In the fourth chapter, the researcher talked about the regulations of avoidance virtue and the approach of the Holy Quran in presenting and directing this virtue. It turned out that there are regulations that govern this virtue and the Holy Quran has various direct and indirect methods in instilling this virtue in Muslims. In the final chapter the researcher talked about some of the examples of the virtue of avoidance and the reward of those who possess such virtue. It was proved that Prophet Ibrahim, Peace be upon Him, was known for this virtue. Other examples include the story of the cave men, the believers who did not attend Tabouk Battle, and Al-Ifq event. The Holy Quran has explained the reward that those who possess such virtue would get both in life and in Heaven. In the conclusion, the researcher included a summary of the results and the recommendations. The conclusion was followed by an appendix in which he included a collection of maps that show the locations of some of the places that have been mentioned in the study. Finally, the researcher included a page for the references arranged alphabetically.
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