The United States of America and the Peoples Revolutionary Transformations in the Axis of Moderate Arab Countries (2010-2011)

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Othman Othman/supervisor
Dr.Abdel-Rahman Al-Hajj Ebrahem/external examiner
Dr. Ebrahem Abu Jaber/internal examiner
Dr. Othman Othman/supervisor
Abd Allah Abdul-Haleem Asa'd Abdul-Haleem
This study aims at analyzing the American situation about the popular revolutions and protestations in the Arab countries of the moderate axis in order to clarify the objects and interests of this situation which was different and sometimes discrepant towards the revolutions which proclaimed the same demands and slogans . The revolutions and protestations have occurred in some Arab countries which are the united States friends and allies and classified as Arab countries of the moderate axis. The study limits of places include Tunisia , Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain while the its limits of time starts from 17th, December which is the start of the Tunisian revolution and stops with the end of the Yemeni revolution on 23th , November 2011. The study asked several questions about the discrepancy of the American attitude towards each one of the revolutions , but the main one was about the strategy of dealing with the popular Arabic revolution in the countries of moderate axis. For answering the study questions, the study presented several hypotheses ; the main one was that the United States cared mainly about its interests and achievements in these courtiers, the discrepancy in the situation was in the use of different procedures and tools and not connected with the steady unchanged objectives which were keeping the strong relations with these regimes in order to keep them in the Western side with the continuity of the political and economical cooperation and even the security one. The study consists of introduction, five chapters and conclusion. The first one clarifies the United States policies in the Arab Region before the out breaking of the current revolutions , the reasons for the its concerns . Also, it clarifies the discrepancy in the United States policies towards the region during and after the cold war , after the September the 11th ,and finally after the Egyptian elections in 2005 and the Palestinian in 2006. Moreover, the study discussed the four revolutions , each one included chapter which clarifies the relation of the United States with each regime before the revolution and the discussion and analyzing the American situation for each one separately in order to reach the real objective of the United states from each one. Finally, the study concluded that the United states treatment of the Arabic revolution based on the achievement of the American interests , keeping them and reducing the negative effects . The norms and saying that the administration of the president Obama called for was for the purpose of the media consumptions. On other words, the seasing violence, protecting rights and freedoms, and demanding the peaceful demonstrations that the U.S Administration requested didn't aim to for national norms but, on the other hand , these demands were for brightening the U.S image all over the word as a democratic oasis which supports the change in the Arab region. Also, the study concluded the fact that facing the Arab mob when the change has become a determinism has negative effects on its interests and on the relation with the new regimes .Also, the opposite side will make a clear discrepancy with its declared slogans for freedom, reform and democracy which the administration calls for a long time and will appear the U.S.A as an ally for the suppression and tyranny that come to an end in the region. The situation will affect the U.S interests negatively.
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