The Situation of Teaching Music and Songs to The Basic Stage in Palestinian Governmental Schools

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Ghassan Hilo
Ali Jabri Taha
This study aimed at identifying the actual situation of teaching music and songs to the basic stage in Palestinian governmental school. This study also aimed at recognizing the impact or the variables of: sex, experience, qualification and the number or schools in which the music teacher teaches on this situation. The population and the sample of this study consisted or all the music songs teachers in the basic stage in Palestine (57) teacher. These teachers arc distributed on all the directorates or education in all the Palestinian districts: .Jerusalem. Qalqilya. Tulkarm. Jenin .Jericho, Hebron, Gaza, Northern Gaza. Khan Yunis. and Rafah. The research used the survey descriptive method. The tool or the study was a questionnaire constructed and improved by the researcher. The questionnaire consisted of 41 items distributed on many domains. 57 questionnaires were distributed.53 questionnaires were brought back. To ensure the questionnaire validity, the researcher gave it to seven specialists who ensured its appropriateness to the purpose or the study. Concerning the questionnaire reliability. Alpha for mula for internal consistency showed a reliability of ( 0.93 ). the data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using the means, standard, deviations. and the percentages. The finding of the study were: - The domain of the teaching procedures conducted by the music teachers got the highest degree. The domain or the teaching methods which are used by the music teachers got a medium degree. The domain which it concerned with the use or the technical aids in teaching music, and the domain or the procedures which were conducted by the ministry of Education to qualify the music teachers, got a low degree. Moreover. the domain of the potential reasons of teaching music. and the domain of the difficulties that the music teachers face in the Palestinian governmental schools. - Concerning the experience variables, teachers, with less experience surpassed teachers with more experience but the difference was very little, except in the domains or teaching methods and the technical aids. In these two domains. teachers with more experience got a higher degree than those ,with less experience. - Concerning the qualification variable. results showed that teachers who have diploma surpassed those who have a bachelor degree or master degree in all domains and ,with a little difference except the potential reasons of teaching music in which there was a big difference in favour of the teachers who have a diploma degree. - Concerning the number of schools in which the music teacher teaches, results showed that teachers who teach in two schools surpassed those who teach in one school in all domains except in the domain of the difficulties which are faced by the music teachers, in which those who teach in one school surpassed those who teach in two schools. In the light of these findings , the researcher recommended the following: The ministry of education should design a curriculum for the musical education, and to increase the number or teachers who are specialized in music .
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