Reciprocity in the Glorious Quran

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Khader Sawandak/supervisour
Dr. Musa Al-Baseet/external examiner
Dr. Odeh Abdallah/internal examiner
Dr . Khader Sawandak
Nabeeh Ahmed Hassan Mohamed
In order to match righteous deeds with the same and sins with the same , the Glorious Quran deals with reciprocity as a principle. This principle means justice and not full equality with all sides. It is a principle with Muslims and others . Good deeds with good deeds; devil with devil. Not only the treatment, but also the patience which gives the offence or forgiveness against it and charity with its correspondence . On the other hand, impatience which means not hasten in returning the charity with itself. Glorious Quran allows taking the right from the wrongful to the owner of the aggrieved without exceeding to the hostility and according to the Islamic legislatives which banning returning sins with sins, but instead , complains to the Muslim ruler who in his turn will take this right. The Glorious Quran has fought the revenge principle . Also, it has forced Muslims to treat their brothers equally in brotherhood , supporting , kindness, mercy , advising each other with favor and banning others from doing wrong deeds. Moreover, the Glorious Quran equals men and women in rights and duties and ordered parents to take equal treatment among their sons and daughters in righteous treatment, gifts and donations. Glorious Quran has advocated to treat others ( who are not Muslims) reciprocity in their righteous deeds without any injustice if they do so with being strong against their aggression without timidity when they show hostility against Muslims and Islamic state. Moreover, the Glorious Quran has shown that the prophets (Peace of God be upon them) were human beings and like others, they have been hurt , but Good has supported them by the principle of reciprocity. Glorious Quran has shown that the creation of Jesus (Peace of God be upon them ) is the same as the creation of the prophet Adam ( Peace of God be upon them) . Finally ,in the study, the Glorious Quran has shown that Good in life period and life after requite the sinful deed with on one sin and charity worths ten in his balance .
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