The provisions of condolence in Islamic Fiqh

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Jamal Hashash/supervisor
Dr.Mohamed Assaf/external examiner
Dr.Abdallah Abu -Wahdan/internal examiner
Dr. Jamal Hashash
Intesar Sa'eed Ahmed Naser
Thank God thank meets the blessings and rewards enlarged, and peace and blessings be upon the Prophet after him, and after: This study aimed to clarify the concept of condolence and its legitimacy, it also aimed to show its virtues, formula and its words, for whom to be and its wisdom. It discussed also the concept of obituary and legitimacy, then touched to clarify the Islamic ruling of condolence between Muslims and non-Muslims, and how we do condolence, and its time, duration, place and condolence on the graves. After that it talked about the works associated with the condolence such as patience and urged the family of the deceased, and it talked also about making food for the family of the deceased, and making food from the family of the deceased to the people. Then it talked about reading the Holy Qur'an for the deceased for all the duration of condolence, and then talked about the legitimate works that its virtues reaches to deceased, such as: pry, seek forgiveness, charity, spend the debt, meet the vow of the deceased, and performing of worship and donate it to the deceased, in addition to visiting the graves and its provisions. Ultimately, I conclude the following results: 1. Condolence is Sunnah and it has a great reward, which is illegal by any means. 2. Sitting for the condolence has become a necessity, provided to avoid heresies and evil. 3. Obituary is not forbidden as a whole. 4. Condolence between Muslims and non-Muslims is permissible. 5. The deceased benefits from the pray, forgiveness, charity, performing acts of worship and give him its reward. 6. Is recommended for the Muslim to visit the graves, as for the visit of consideration and to remind the Hereafter.
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