Plowing and Planting In the Holy Quran

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Odeh Abdullah/supervisor
Dr. Souheil Al-Ahmad/external examiner
Dr.Hussen Naqeeb/internal examiner
Dr. Odeh Abdullah
Jamal Youssef Abdul Rahman Hassan Quzmar
This thesis is an objective study. It's another step toward the objective interpretation of the holy Quran and hadith. This study discussed the topic of plowing and planting in the verses of the holy Quran. The study was divided into seven chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction discussed the importance of this type of studies and its value to the Islamic nation. Chapter one discussed planting and plowing in language and terminology in the Quranic context. Chapter two was titled "the types of plowing and planting in the holy Quran". This chapter discussed the concept of plowing in the world and the heavenly world together, and how our plowing cold be achieved for the both worlds. Chapter three was titled "planting in the holy Quran". This chapter discussed Allah Al mighty as the real planters and Prophet Mohammad (peace on him) and his companions are the planters also. Chapter four was titled the "the relationship of planting in time and space". This chapter discussed the seasonal and unseasonal planting and the type of land that is fertile and non-fertile. Chapters five of the study, discuss the planting of palm trees and grabs in holy Quran, and discuss its conditions and their appearance in the context. Chapter six titled "the factors that sabotage planting and plowing". It discusses the corruption of earth such as fast wind, human sins, injustice, which all were considered sabotaging factors. Chapter seven which is the final chapter was titled "the wisdom of planting and plowing in the holy Quran". This chapter discusses the man leadership on earth and the sustainability of human race on earth, and the idea of building earth and enjoying the delights of the earthly world and activating the mind to discover heavenly laws and the importance of agriculture as the main vain of live and its importance to economy.
Pages Count: 