Parallel Text in the Literary Works of Abed Al-Rahman Munif A Critical and Analytical Study

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Adel Al-Osta - Head
Dr.Nader Qasem - Internal Examiner
Dr.Mahmoud Atshan - External Examiner
Prof. Adel Al-Osta
Muhammad Rushdi Abed Al-Jabbar Draidi
This research deals with the idea of "Parallel Text" in the literature of Abed Al-Rahman Munif. In this study I have explained and presented the critics' opinion towards his literature through critical books, theses, researches, periodicals, the discussions that I had conducted with him and the websites that included information about his literature. I have also highlighted the most important aspects that the critics have emphasized regarding his literature in terms of place, time, narration, discussion and language in his literature. Moreover, I have addressed the main and internal titles of Munif's novels and stories and linked them to the literary text in a way that explained the impact of the title and its cohesiveness in the text. In addition to this, I have discovered the beauty of the title and its strong connection within the literary texts. Munif's titles represented a clear image and a direct icon that expressed his literary works. He was creative in his selection of titles and managed to enhance them so that they become maximally beautiful. Every single part of Munif's novel was influenced by his titles, a thing which characterizes the modern novel. Regarding Munif's introductions which had the greatest role in pointing out to what the writer means, those introductions subdue the literary text and provide a preface for it so that it becomes easier for the reader to understand and analyze the novel. Munif also dedicated some of his novels and stories to people he knew and lived with who influenced his literature and political world. I have found the connection of the annexed texts quoted from the novels, the publisher or the critics which covered the whole novel and showed a clear cohesiveness between these upper texts and Munif's literature. The covers and the internal pictures in his novels and stories have formed a mental space that helps communicating the main idea that the literary text aims at. It seems that Munif's interest in art and his continuous contact with well-known artists and painters made him interested in this formal, aesthetic aspect in the production of his literary works in an artistic and attractive manner.
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