Methodology of the Quranic Story in the Consolidation of Morality

Discussion Committee: 
Dr . Hussein Abdel-Hamid Al-Naqeeb
Abed Arrahman Daoud Jamil Abdullah
This letter is formed to study the story of the Koran , and the statement of its approach to the installation of ethics in human life , as the issue of morality is one of the most important issues that dealt with the story that raised and addressed through human history , including the Koran from Allah , the Almighty Creator of human beings , who knows what can impact on their souls then they will respond to what he invited them to do , who is familiar with them , has made the story of ethics in the Quranic approach and clearly defined objectives , honest description , up to the best results in humans . The Koran followed two ways in devoting the ethics in the souls they are : 1):The direct method in prohibition on morality or vilified in the command , but not a lot of this method the Koran did follow , because the human soul may refuse to respond to direct command and forbid . 2):The indirect method , which is what most of the Koran used by the method of the souls of the beloved story , to paint so the best approach in dealing with ethics , and shows that this method is most effective in bringing people and familiarize them with the commitment of Arts and ethics . This study also shows for those who wanted to educate one of good morals , values and cultivated in the soul , it is the best for them to take the approach of the Koran in the education of all members of society with their different attributes and their responsibilities and their cultures .
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