Manager's of the Palestinian Governmental Departments in the Governorates of North Palestine Point of View Concerning the Administrative Problems that they Encounter

Jawdat Saadeh
Mustafa Fares Basheer Jaradat
The aim of this study is to define the managers’ of the Palestinian governmental departments in the governorates of north of Palestine point of view concerning the administrative problems they encounter, according to several variables, these are ;place of work "the governorate", the educational level, the administrative experience and the position grade. The study’s problem can be defined as: What are the administrative problems, which the managers of the government departments in the governorates of north Palestine encounter? The sample cosists of (l32) managers of the government departments in Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm and Qalqilia, representing 50% of the study’s society, (129) questionnaires were restored, leading the percentage of the respondents up to) (%98 ). To provide the answer for the study’s question, and to actualize its hypothesis, the researcher developed a special questionnaire consisting of three domains ofthe administrative function: 1. Personal administrative problems with (16) items. 2. Organizational administrative problems with (35) items. 3. Environmental administrative problems with (l0) items. Thus, the total number of the questionnaire’s items came to (61) items, to measure its veracity, it was introduced to several arbitrators who work in university education domain or managers with decades of managing governmental departments. To prove the questionnaire’s steadiness, cronbach Alpha test was used, the result showed that the average for all the study’s domains reached (0.94). Following statistical methods were used ; • Mean , frequency. • The difference monism analysis, (one Way ANOVA) TEST. • (L.S.D) test for the dimensional comparisons between arithmetic mean, • cronbach Alpha formula to come out with the stability coefficient ofthe study`s tool. Following results are found First : (74.8 %) respondents cited that environmental administrative problems ranked first , while ( 67.2% ) of the respondent that organizational administrative problems `come first; and ( 67% ) ranked the personal administrative problems first. . Second: (a) There were no differences of statistics indications at the level _ of the indication` (0.05) in the field of the personal and organizational administrative problems which face the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments which is attributed to the place of work (the governorate)-variable. (b) There were differences of statistics indications at the level of the indication (0.05) in the field of the environmental administrative problems which face the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments which is attributed to the place of work (the governorate)-variable. When the results were analyzed, it was revealed that the administrative problems in the environmental lieltl in Jenin, Nablus and lnlkarm, are higher than the ones in Qalqilia. (c) there were difference of statistics indications at the level of the indication (0.05) at the total degree of the administrative problems which face the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments is attributed to the place of work (the governorate)- variable. More ever; it was revealed that the administrative problems at the total grade were higher in Jenin than in Nablus and Qaliqilia. • There were no differences of statistics indications at the level of the indication (0.05) in the administrative problems, which face the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments, attributed to the educational level variable. • there were no difference of statistics indications at the level of the indication (0.05) in the administrative problems in the personal organizational and environment fields, which face the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments, and they are attributed to the administrative experience variable. • There were no differences of statistics indications at the level of the indication (0.05) in the administrative problems in the personal, organizational and environment, which lace the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments which are attributed to the position grade var table. Several recommendations that help in reducing the administrative problems that encounter the managers of the Palestinian governmental departments are deduced; * Responsible people at the highest rank have to pay attention For the managers and their administrations, to hold and intensity seminars and specialized workshops on administrative function, exchanging visits al` managers of the same ministry and the other ministries. * New employees and managers have to be selected based on scientific measures related to the scientific qualification and administrative experience, besides, it is necessary to enlarge the contacts with the local society in order to explain the significance of the services given to the crowd by the department, taking notice not to accept any interference by certain personalities, whether they were on the political, organizational or social levels. It was recommended also that it is necessary to have important legislation, applying the recent ones, that keep and organize the employment process of appointing, dismissing, retirement, the matters that most annoy the employees of any department, especially in recent difficult times, and cause them nightmares of fear, this situation that was aroused as a result of Al-Aqsa Intifada and the corresponding political, social and economical influence that affected all the individuals of the Palestinian people. •
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