Love For the Sake of Allah in Light of The Holy Qura'n and the Sunnah

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Muhammed Hafez Al-Shuraideh - Supervisor
Dr. Musa Al-Baseet - External Examiner
Dr. Odeh Abdallah - Internal Examiner
Prof. Muhammed Hahefez Al-Shuraideh
Dua'a Afif Turkey Hussein
Love for the sake of Allah is not just a term or an emotion associated with the name of Allah, but it must have causes, conditions, and accessories in order to be a real love for attaining the reward of Allah, since it can strengthen the relations among Muslims and not to be an easy trophy for Islam enemies. So in my research I've addressed the concept of (love for Allah) in terms of linguistic and idiomatic meaning and its indication in Qur'anic terms, its peers and its synonyms. Explaining the difference between such a love and the shameful prevailing human love in our societies nowadays. Then, I started presenting the causes of love for Allah, the conditions, and its manners which deepen the love among lovers for Allah according to many verses and Hadiths that show these requirements. Then, I displayed lovers' for Allah qualities in order to be followed and simulated by every Muslim if he wants to keep his relations with others. In addition, I've explained the public and the private rights of lovers for Allah and the Islamic governance of such a love in order to be the basic principle among Muslims ever. Then, I've presented the contents of love for Allah, its reward and its rank, which make our hearts tend to those whom we love for the sake of Allah's reward, after that, And then, I've offered the dangers and prohibitions, which should be avoided in order not to corrupt, weaken, or even may terminate love for Allah in some cases, which contributes to weakening the Islamic nation and may spread envy, hatred, bitterness among humans. Finally, I've delivered an empirical study through a selected models which I pick from the biography of the prophet (PBUH) to originate the genuine Islamic morality to portray this relation that has been blessed by Allah the Almighty, considering the arrangement of the subject and the appropriate tabulation to make it easier for readers to read and to get benefit. Praise Allah that His grace is righteous
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