An Investigation of the Translated Cultural and Ideological Components in Disney's Animated films, in both Audiovisual Translation Forms: Subtitling and Dubbing

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Fayez Aqel / Supervisor
Dr. Ayman Nazzal /Co-Supervisor
Dr. Ekremah Shehab /Internal Examiner
Dr. Mahmoud Shreateh /External Examiner
Dr. Fayez Aqel / Supervisor
Dr. Ayman Nazzal /Co-Supervisor
Hadeel Awni Abu Yaqoub
The study investigates translating cultural and ideological components in Disney's animated films, in both Audiovisual Translation Forms: Subtitling and Dubbing. It highlights mistranslations and possible failures caused by cultural and ideological dissimilarities between Arab and foreign cultures. Due to this, the breakdowns are classified into: a- ideological, and b- cultural. A descriptive and analytic approach is followed to examine the corpus of the study. Examples from English animated films and their translated versions in Arabic are collected, classified and analyzed according to two main categories: cultural and ideological. The study also examine the various strategies are used by the translators in dealing with these breakdowns. Examinations show that the subtitlres tend to adopt literal translation as a main strategy, while dubbers have tried to bridge the gap that might result from this strategy by using various strategies as adding, omitting changing or euphemizing the source text terms.
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