Impact of Merrill theory on Concept Teaching of Science Achievement of Fourth Graders at Public Schools in Salfeet Governorate

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Alamadeen Abdul Rahman Al Khateeb
Jehan Mohammad Ahmad Saleh
This study aimed at identifying the impact of using Merrill theory on general sciences achievement of fourth graders at public schools in the Salfeet Governorate, and at answering the following questions: 1.Is there a difference between the means achievement of pupils who learned the science unit entitled ;Electricity and Magnetism according to Merrill theory and the means achievement of pupils who learned the same unit in the traditional method on the achievement test? 2.Is there a difference between the means achievement of the students who learned the science unit entitled Electricity and Magnetism ; according to Merrill theory and the means achievement of pupils who learned the same unit in the traditional method attributed to sex? 3.Is there a difference between the means achievement of the students who learned the science unit entitled Electricity and Magnetism according to Merrill theory and the means achievement of pupils who learned the same unit in the traditional method attributed to the level of high academic ability high (above 90), or low (below 60)? 4.Is there interaction between high academic ability high (above 90), or low (below 60) and gender (Male / Female) of significant difference on the achievement test? To answer these questions, the researcher prepared an achievement test and applied the study on a sample consisting of (143) male and female pupils distributed on four sections at four different schools (two male and two female schools). Two sections (one for males, the other for females) were selected randomly to represent the experimental group that were taught by the Merrill Pattern as a teaching methodology. This group consisted of (72 pupils) 35 males and 37 males. The other two sections were taught by using the traditional teaching methodology. This group consisted of (71 pupils) 34 males and 37 males. After carrying out the statistical analysis at (α = 0.05), the study reached the following findings: 1.There was no significant difference between the achievements of the experimental and control groups on the achievement test. 2.The average degrees of male achievement of the control group were better than the average degrees of female achievement of the same, the (control) group whereas the average degrees of female achievement of the experimental group were better than the average degrees of male achievement of the same, the (experimental) group whereas. 3.There was no significant difference attributed to sex (male / female) and between the two experimental and control groups together. However, the arithmetic means were in favor for females in the experimental group but in favor of males in the control group. 4.There was a significant difference between ability and sex in favor to males of high abilities. Consequently, using the Merrill theory has improved the students' achievement level, and it is considered an effective level in organizing and presenting the educational content. In Chapter 5, the researcher provided a number of recommendations, including: The study made recommendations that further studies should be made on various teaching levels, grades, subjects, other districts, and its impact on pupils' achievements, in order to keep up with the educational developments in science teaching methodologies.
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