The Image of Sky and Earth in the Holy Quran/ A Rhetorical Study

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Khaleel Odeh - Supervisor
Dr. Mashhour Mshahreh - External Examiner
Prof. Wael Abu Saleh - Internal Examiner
Prof. Khaleel Odeh
Nawal Ali Aded Alrahman Khader
This study deals with the two images of the heaven and the earth in the Holy Quran, and that is in accordance with the rhetorical approach which reveals the Secrets of Quranic expressions and rhetorical eloquence in its style. This Study is distinguished that it is an analytical and applicable study on various aspects of the subject. The study was divided into three sequential and interdependent chapters in a way that make the reader tiacks the Subject from its first roots. The Study was as follows. 1-Chapter One: talks about heaven and earth at Arabs before Islam, Where it out lined the picture of heaven and earth in the pre-Islamic poetry, and the image of heaven and earth in the per-Islamic poetry, and the image of heaven and earth in the mythical thought and pre-Islamic poetry, and all this led to the formation of a comprehensive picture of Arab mentality before Islam towards nature and universe around Him. 2-Chapter Two: I traced the picture of heaven and earth in the Holy Quran through various images which I displayed from the image water and species and the image of creatures praise of God, then the scene of heaven and earth in the Day of Resurrection, Which made the whole picture as a multiple indicative artistic picture. 3- Chapter Three: I studied the artistic photography, through effective rhetorical issues, including expression through truth, metaphor, methods of structural expressions, and expression through images based on simile and metonymy, where the emergence of technical consistency between aspects of different images that have an impact in the soul.
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