The Extant of Satisfaction of Faculty Members on Training and Technical Support Provided by the E-learning Center at An-Najah National University

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Saida Jaser Affouneh/supervisor
Dr. Soheil Hussein Salha/co-supervisor
Dr. ketam Shream/external examiner
Dr. Baker Abdel Haq/internal examiner
Dr. Saida Jaser Affouneh/supervisor
Dr. Soheil Hussein Salha/co-supervisor
Badiya Mahmmuod Darawsha
The aim of this study is to identify the extent of satisfaction of faculty members on training and technical support provided by the E-learning center at An-Najah National University.The variables of the study were gender, academic specialization, academic qualification, and years of experience. The researcher adopted a descriptive approach using questionnaire as tool to collect data. Cronbach alpha equation was used to measure reliability which reached (0.97). The questionnaire was distributed to (141) teachers from An-Najah National University who benefit from the training and technical support provided by the E-learning center. The data was collected and analyzed using the Statistical packages of Social Sciences, SPSS. Among the finding of the study; the extent of satisfaction of faculty members on training and technical support provided by the E-learning center at An-Najah National University was very high. And there were no statistically significant differences between the extent of satisfaction of faculty members due to the variables gender, academic specialization, academic qualification, and years of experience. The study concluded several recommendations among them: the necessity refer to the faculty before determining training times and choose the appropriate times for them. The time of the courses whole must be appropriate to the content, implement practical training sessions with the trainee to complete the shortage that has not been fulfilled in training.
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