The Degree of Evaluating Secondary Schools Principals Training from their Perspectives in The Northern Directorate of the West Bank

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Abdul Karim Ayoub/supervisor
Dr. Ahmad Feteahah/external examiner
Prof. Abed Assaf/internal examiner
Dr. Abdul Karim Ayoub/supervisor
Nida Omar Mohammed Kittana
This study aimed to identify the degree of training of public secondary school principals in the provinces of the northern West Bank from their Perspectives. The study followed descriptive analytical method, and the questionnaire used as an instrument to collect data. The study population consisted of all Public Secondary School Principals in the Northwestern governorates (819) items. The study sample was selcted based on stratified random sampling according to Governorates who consisted of (255) school principals ( males and females) . The study found that the domain associated with the degree of the evaluation of the training of public secondary school principals in the northwestern governorates from their perspectives was high average of (3.6) in addition to no statistical significant difference in means of responses of school principals on the evaluation of the training from their own perspectives due to gender, exceprt on the training effect domain, the results were in facor of males. Also there were a statistically significant difference in means of responses of school principals on the evaluation of the training from their own perspectives due to academioc qualification, the results were in favor of B.A. holders. Moreover there were no statistical significant means difference of responses of school principals on the evaluation of the training from their own perspectives due to faculty who school principals graduated from, whereas there were astatistical significant means difference of responses of school principals on the evaluation of the training from their own perspectives due faculty, results were on trainging impact, in favor of sceitific faculties . Furthermore, there were statistically significant difference in means of responses of school principals on the evaluation of the training from their own perspectives due experince on the training supervison domain, results were in favor of experince opf more than 10 years. The study revealed that there are problems that are related to trainers and the training materials , and other problems that are related to time and place of training. Based on the results of the study، the researcher introduces several recommendations, the most important need to focus on the suitability of the training needs of the school director and make it close to the problems faced by the school in fact.
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