Crimes Reflected On Family

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Fadi Shaded - Supervisor
Dr. Mohamed Sharaqa - Co-supervisor
Dr. Abdallah Najajreh - External Examiner
Dr. Nael Taha - Internal Examiner
Dr. Fadi Shaded
Dr. Mohamed sharaqa
Waseem Majid Ismael Daraghmah
Family crimes have been in two discussed chapters: the first chapter of crimes fall on the family by it’s members have been divided into two categories: crimes that threaten the lives of individuals and the crimes that affect the honor of the family. In the second chapter of crimes that fall on outside of the family members, crimes that affect the unity, manner of the family, and crimes of abuse by family members. I estimated that the crimes that fall on a family it’s members are more serias than crimes that fall on the family from outside it’s members because the victim feels safe and sauces because he is living with the offended within the family, therefore it threatens the integration of the family and underminer it’s stability. I have noticed that the Jordanian legislator Penal Code. No 16 0f 1960 punishment law has punished for these crimes but not sufficiently a deterrent to achieve the objective behind the criminalization knowing that this type of crime continues to grow steadily so we must have more severe punishment than that to become one of felonies but not midemeanor’s. That criminalyes all crimes which overlooked an act criminalised homesexuality and lesbianism which is widely spread in our society because such act’s when committed are considered by the prosecution as a crime of indecent assault and not a crime of homosexuality or lesbianism. So we see that these is a legislators gap in the Penal Code No 16 of 1960 which is applied in Palestine and must be evaded by punishing those who commit such act’s. In the second Chapter we have noted that there are many crimes that fall from out if the family members and affect it’s solidarity and manner and are also an assault on the freedom of family members. In this area we see that the legislator must punish severally the crimes committed against children and teenagers and need case of their family by violating their freedom as they are of most serious crimes that threaten the family sustain and it’s security. If the Palestinian legislator continues in applying the Penal Code No 16 of 1960 there shald be modification an this text of the law to keep pace with the developments of life and the needs of the Palestinian society properly. In the area of crimes that affect the ethics of the family such as the crime of aelultey and spoil of wedloch as well as crimes to massage contract, we noticed the existence of palaces and legislative gap and thalore recommended the need for legislative amendment to these provisions. These is an urgent need to modify some autides especially 279 and 281 which are elated to massage contract. The law text legislates that its not allowed to sometime a massage contract in manners that violates the Othman family rights law No 61 of 1976 that is still applied in our Palestinian land so that the criminalization of each crime is incompactly with the personal status law of the husband and wife in addition to the omission of the legislator to certain acts slating to massage contract which our slating considers to be crimes because of the acts lihe an acts of massage a girl or a teenier force or under threat as well as non – payment of alimony which is criminalized by the majority penal laws in most countries of the would and it this area the legislator has to emphatics penalties because its great danger to both family souelty.
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