The Correlation of the Ethical Standard with Political Development for the Arab Nation

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Abdul Sattar Kassem
Yusef Abdel Rahim Hasan Shibli
The Arab nation lives in complete chaos and experiences a loss of cultural and civilization identity. The Arab individual feels like being without a home, without identity. This is attributed to the immoral political and psychological pressure that the Arab governments and regimes are practicing over their people. The Arab man is suppressed and oppressed; he is being watched in every move he makes. The country is ruled by governments' intelligence agencies instead of parliaments or democratically elected governments. Freedom is absent in the Arab world. The Arab region is now facing a great deal of criticism by the people and some scholars and Arab thinkers who believe that the situation in the Arab world represents an abandonment of the past. They see that morals are being converted and changed; morality is being modified to suit the interests of the leaders. Most values and principles in the region are changed so much so that one can not tell which is right and which is wrong, what is good and what is bad. Hence, the main idea of this thesis is to investigate and explain what relationship there is between morality and the achievement of a real political development in any society, especially in the Arab societies. This study seeks to show the importance of morality, its role in any society and its relationship with political development. It also seeks to link together different variables in order to propose solutions to the main issue of this thesis. As well as explaining why many attempts that the Arab governments carry out to achieve political development end in failure. This thesis discussed the different definitions of Morality (ethics) through presenting the different opinions made by many scholars and thinkers who disputed over the true definition of Morality, is it theoretical or practical? Constant or changing? .This led us to distinguish between the moral and moralities in order to explain the problem that results from the disorder of the moral standard in the Arab regimes. Such standard is considered a major element in the development and building process in the Arab world. It is obvious that each society contains a set of moral principles that distinguishes it from other societies. These principles are the ones that people use to govern their behaviors. These principles are used to measure their behavior and judge which is right and which is wrong. The moral basis in a society is considered the point of strength which helps maintain its privacy and identity. The researcher seeks to answer the questions of this thesis that discuss the relationship between the moral level and the political development of the Arab nation. Therefore, the researcher uses the descriptive extrapolation approach. Through this approach, the researcher goes from the focused to the general, from part to whole which helps us understand the meaning of morality. Also, through a logical presentation of the principal of morality, its relationship with political development and its importance for the Arab nation. The descriptive approach helps us describe the event, compare, analyze and explore the relationship between the different variables to reach valuable conclusions. In this thesis, the researcher explores the dispute between the different variables, such as between morality and political development. It is important to have a proper moral basis before making any political development, since the relationship between the two is proportional to each other. That is, the stronger and more effective the moral basis is, the more political development we could achieve. Also, when the morals are at their lowest level, achieving political development would be more difficult if not impossible. We try to distinguish between a moral and moralities to end the conflict between the two. A moral must clear the way for the moralities whenever it is necessary to let the political development take place. It is clear for us now that the reason behind the inability of Arabs to achieve a areal development and advancement is the moral values they adopt. They have to develop their moral values so that they correspond to the scale of advancement that the developed countries are experiencing, however, such change and modification in these values must establish a balance between the originality of the nation and the morals of the new development.
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