Consequence(Quranic study )

Discussion Committee: 
Dr .Odeh Abedallah Odeh/supervisor
Dr. Esma'el Nawahdah/external examiner
Dr. Hussen Naqeeb/internal examiner
Dr .Odeh Abedallah Odeh/supervisor
Sujood Abed Alwahed
The important concern of the faithful is that god writes them Hassan consequence and survived the bad ones this study addressed the issue of consequence in the holy Quran through its verses , and it has been divided in to six chapters , an introduction and conclusion , in the fore ground the importance of this study was discussed high lights its value by talking about lows of god's creation and the usefulness of the account of the end of the formers and connect them with reality . As for the chapters , the first one of which was in the definition of the sequel idiomatically and lingually through the quranic context , and then followed by the second chapter , entitled : the deals that deserves the good end ,followed by the third chapter which contained the chapter dead's that deserves the bad ending .as for the fourth chapter encompassed some good morals and its recompenses And of the some in the fifth chapter but it demonstrate the bad consequence and the sixth chapter which discuses (finely) the relationship between the sequel are the lords sunah, linking the past and the present and taking lessons from the previous stories and clans in the holy Quran and linked it with our contemporary reality The researcher referred to inter … book hadith, ethics book, language and translations to conduct her research with special focus on books and the …. Made by Muslim into prefers and scholars In the conclusion , the researcher included a number of results that the study holed : 1- There is a close relationship between supreme achievement and lords ''sunah'' which have been mentioned by . god almighty in his book and were conducted by the lows of the universe ,so that god almighty has ordered to contemplate 2- Every action has its consequences ,is well good the consequences will be good , albeit bad then the consequences will be bad , in application to the base ( box of sex work ) 3- The commission of sin and guilt and reprehensible embryogenesis morality , necessitates the consequences . 4- What happens to the nation now nothing but a continuation of the ways of god in creation .
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