A call for learning of past experience “Quranic study”

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mohsen Al-Khaledi/supervisor
Dr. Madyan Jamal Amen/external examiner
Dr. Odeh Abdallah/internal examiner
Dr. Mohsen Al-Khaledi/supervisor
Amena Abd-Alkarem Abd-Alhamed Fakhore
Verses of the Quran contains a lot of Pearls, which are needed to manage and think out it's treasures. Inexhaustible throughout the ages, from these Pearls I extract through the meditation of some verses "Call to mind", so I studied verses that relate to account koranic objective study. This study is based on a collection of verses that relate to consideration whether carried the term consideration itself with it, or carried the meaning of consideration in the folds although not declare verbally. The study found that the consideration has several meanings of linguistic, and that the contents of the first chapter of the research. The verses has urged to take cues and lesson. Through a call to ponder and contemplation and meditation, verses divided consideration into to: account by views. This is what the Almighty has commanded worship. He said: "so take warning , O people of vision" Hashr: 2. The second part of the consideration, Account by Meroitic, the Almighty said: "there was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding" Joseph: 111. Been talked about the wordy carries between its folds the meaning of consideration, after verses of consideration have been devising ways and means lead to take the lesson and cues. These methods are: Meditation, thinking, pondering, and remembrance. The second chapter has included on the anti reasons of consideration, The most important of these reasons: Unbelief, Tendency to luxury. The negligence and reluctance to verses and a rrogance and vanity. The third chapter, has included on areas of the consideration in the Koran, Among these areas: account what in the universe of verses. These verses include: creation of the heavens and the earth, The creation of man, The creation of plant, And the creation of animal, Then account the stories of ex- , The researcher has chosen among these stories the story of Adam, peace be upon him, The story of Moses, peace be upon him, And story of paradise holders. Then consider the Koran parables, has been introduced three Koranic parables includes Lesson and sermon. These aphorisms are: Instance as mosquito. Instance as spider, And instance as right and wrong. The fourth chapter talks about the results of consideration, and the most important results: Increased faith in God Almighty, the conviction and asceticism in the world, And God piety and fear.
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