Assessment Of The Science Book For The Sixth Basic Grade "Palestinian Curriculum". According To "Sixth Grade Science Teachers Point Of View" In The "Teaching And Education Directorates Of Northern Palestine District"

Discussion Committee: 
Dr .Ghassan Al-Hillow
Prof .Sami Jaber
Khalied M. Mohammad Mustafa
This study was meant to assist the science book for the sixth elementary grade "Palestinian Curriculum" from the sixth grade science teachers "point of view, in the teaching and education Directorates" of "Northern Palestine Districts" for the year 2003/2004, and it tried to focus on the degree of assessment for the previous book from teachers' opinion, in the nine domains: "General appearance of the book –the introduction – the aims –the scientific content –the procedures used for introducing the material – the adequacy of drawings and illustration – the means of assessment –the improvement of the material to get positive trends from the students – and the extent of adequacy of activities and their implement ." To focus on the point of weakness, to be treated by the concerned people, to avoid these points when retyping the science books for other grades, taking into consideration that we are in the development stage. The researcher considered all science teachers in the previously mentioned schools as a field of his study, for the year 2003/4 who calculated (403) teachers in (380) boys, girls and mixed schools, and in six directorates in northern of Palestine ". The specimen of the study held all science teachers of sixth grade who answered the questionnaire as requested , and it reached "269" teachers in "257" schools For the purpose of study, the researcher developed a questionnaire as a mean of study taking into consideration previous questionnaires built on the same aim. This questionnaire contained "88" paragraphs distributed on the nine domains.and after it has been realized that the questionnaire was reliable by judging it by "20" persons, and after calculating its "stability coefficient" which was "0.96" according to the internal uniformity way, using "Kronpakh -Alfa" equation. After doing all the statistical process, the results were as follow:- 1) There is a significant differences in the indication level " α =0.05" between the average of assisting the boot from teachers point of view and the educationally accepted level "3", over the nine domains and the total degree. The variance was for the interest of the nine domains, as the average was bigger than the educationally accepted level "3". 2) There were "no" significant differences on the level" α =0.05" for the assessment degree of the book attributed to the "Name of the Directorates ". On the domains of: "The introduction – the aims –the content the procedures the assessment aids –the adequacy and the implication of the activities. 3) There are significant differences on the level " α =0.05". attributed to the name of the directorates on the domain of "the general appearance of the book" between "Jenin" and "Nablus-Qabatia-Tulkarm", for the interest of " Nablus-Qabatia-Tulkarm." for the interest of "Nablus- Tulkarm". 4) There are significant differences on the level "α=0.05" for the assessment degree attributed to the "the name of the directorate" on the domain “Adequacy of drawings and illustration "between "Salfeet" and "Jenin-Qabatia-Nablus-Tulkarm-Kalkeelia",for the interest of "Salfeet". 5) There are significant differences on the level " α =0.05" for the assessment degree of the book attributed to the name of the directorate "on the domain "Improving the material of the book get positive trends between the pupils ", between "Qabtia", and between "Salfeet" and "Jenin –Nablus –Tulkarm-Kalkeelia", for the interest of "Salfeet". 6) There are "no" significant differences on the level" α =0.05" on "assisting the book, on the total degree, attributed to the name of directorate". 7) There are "no" significant differences on the level" α =0.05" between the average of assisting the book, attributed to the educational qualifications". 8) There are "no" significant differences on the level" α =0.05" between the "average of assisting the book from the teachers' point of view, caused by " The educational qualifications" and the domains " the general appearance of the book, the introduction, the aims, the content, the adequacy and illustration, the assessment aids, the improvement of the material and the adequacy of the activities". 9) There are significant differences on the level " α =0.05", attributed to the educational qualification" on the domain "The procedures of introducing the material of the book, between the level of "Diploma" and "B.A of science methods –B.A of science and M.A", for the interest of "Diploma". 10) There are significant differences on the level" α =0.05", attributed to the educational qualification" on the "Total degree " on the domains " Medial Diploma" and "M.A" for the interest of "Medial Diploma". 11) There are no significant differences on the level " α =0.05", attributed to the attributed to the "sex", on all omit domains, also, there are no significant differences on the level " α =0.05" on the Total degree". 12) There are significant differences on the level " α =0.05", attributed to the years of experience" on all omit domains and on the "Total degree". According to these result, the researcher recommended the following: 1- Further studies are needed to deal with assisting the books, and take their results into consideration and vacillate the researches tasks and handling the financial costs. 2- Publishing the "teacher's book" for any new book, along with the student is attributed to the book. 3- The participation of school teachers in the evaluation of the books is highly recommended.
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