Altruism in the Quran and Sunnah

Discussion Committee: 
Dr . Abdullah Odeh / superviser
Dr. Esma'el Nawahdah/external examiner
Dr. Khader Sawandak/internal examiner
Dr . Abdullah Odeh / superviser
Ghoson Ghannam Nayef Fayez
This thesis objective study, a step on the road to objective interpretation of the Koran and the Sunnah, addressed the issue of altruism through Quranic verses and hadiths, has been divided into four chapters, an introduction and a conclusion, the talk was at the forefront of the importance of this study, and to highlight the value of the Islamic nation, and the for classes, it was the first chapter of which revolves around the meaning of altruism in the language and terminology and words related to it. Then followed by the second chapter entitled: altruism in the context of the Qur'an and Sunnah , and spins this chapter about displaying material (altruism) in the Holy Quran and the most prominent notes and subtleties and gestures to the receipt of discharges material (altruism ) in the Holy Quran and the discussion dealt with the presentation of material ( altruism ) in the Sunnah and the meaning of Article (altruism) in the Sunnah; highlighted the results of this chapter that the words of altruism in the verses and hadiths carry the meaning in context convergent came altruism between preference and choice and customization. Then followed by the third chapter, entitled: Types of altruism and the image in the Qur'an and Sunnah, which is the preference of the Hereafter, and the preference of right over wrong and altruism falsehood on the right and the preference of the righteous in the ground and altruism on the self, and the main results of this chapter is to slander in preference of life related on Hereafter , the taking of human mundane without the Hereafter it is not blameworthy , and that the true faith in oneself is a major cause of the preference right over wrong . Then followed by the fourth chapter entitled: effects of altruism on the individual and society. And talking about the love of God and faith, a connector road to the farmer and lead to closer ties between the people and so on.
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