The Agressions Against Woman in the Family

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Fadi Shadeed/suprvisor
Dr. Ghaze Dwekat/co-suprvisor
Dr. Jehad Keswanee/external examiner
Dr. Na'el Taha/internal examinr
Dr. Fadi Shadeed/suprvisor
Dr. Ghaze Dwekat/co-suprvisor
Marram Omar Hassan Najar
This study is about assaults on woman inside the family in Palestine . It consists of introduction and two chapters. The introduction includes verbal assaults on the woman inside the family while the two chapters deal with sexual aggression inside the family. The introduction explains three kinds verbal aggression on the woman inside the family in three independence sections . The former studies the crimes of dispraise. ; he second explains the crime of woman abuse in law and punishment according to the Jordanian law item (16, 1960 ). Analyzing these crimes according to the gender concept in the third section. Chapter one deals with aggression against woman inside the family , particularly ,in three sections each discuses one crime according to the Jordanian law item (16) in (1960) . the first section explains the crime of woman assault ; the second explains the woman exposure , and the final explains the crime of incest . These crimes have been studied according to the components and punishment . The researcher added fourth section in order to study these three crimes according to the social gender concept. Similarly, chapter two discusses the physical assaults on woman inside the family. It explains three crimes in three separated sections . The first discusses the premeditated hurt through the fault of premeditated hurt and the crime of premeditated hurt . The researcher carried out an analytical legal study of the crime of circumcision the in the second one. The third section explains the premeditated murder inside the family, through which attenuated justifications have been studied for their relations with crimes of murder according to the gender against woman . These sections have been discussed by the punishment law ( Item No. 16 , 1960( except for the crime of circumcision which was not mentioned but the researcher aimed to study it from the perspective of the international law and the international agreements about human and woman rights . These crimes have been studied in the according to the social gender perspective. In the legal dimension and its analyzing of components and punishment , this study included the Jordanian Supreme and Egyptian supreme verdicts for interpretation the dimensions . Also, it exemplifies real cases of crimes against women which met the conditions of crime dimensions according to the law of punishment . The distinguished side of the study is its social side and the analyzing according to the social gender based on the international agreements and documents of human and woman rights . The study included an analytical and statistical survey study conducted by human rights centers and feminine ones activate in defending woman rights and against violence against women . The study has statistical data from Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and other feminine institutions specialized in defending woman rights about the violence against women inside the family in Palestine . The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics study in 2005 indicated that 23.3% of women have been exposed to physical violence one time at least inside the family; 61.7% were exposed to verbal ( psychological )violence in 2005 . These results shows the obvious shortage in the law of punishment for treating the crimes against women . Moreover, some statements legalized violence against women based on the masculine concept and cultural and social hereditary for treating the women issues . This reason motivated the researcher to discuss several sections dealing with the crime against woman in order to explain how the law – in some cases- reinforce violence against woman and how it was the protector of the criminal to perpetrate his crime without fear of punishment.
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