Addition by The Trustworthy Narrahor According to AI-Bukhari: An applied Theoretical Study of Al-Bukhari,s Jamii Alsahih

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Khaled Alwan/supervisor
Dr. Musa Al-Baseet/external examiner
Dr. Muntaser Asmar/internal examiner
Dr. Khaled Alwan/supervisor
Afeef Masarwa
This study aims at exploring Imam al-Bukhari’s methodology regarding the issue of “addition by the trustworthy [narrator]”. The study relates to theoretical and applied aspects of the addition in al-Bukhari’s ‘al-Jami’ al-Sahih and some of his other books; and followed a quasi-inductive and analytical approach. The researcher divides the study into three main chapters. The first briefly introduces Imam la-Bukhari and his book “al-Jami’ al-Sahih”; the second presents a theoretical investigation of the addition by the trustworthy in the science of Hadith; and the third presents an applied study that demonstrates al-Bukhari’s approach to the addition by the trustworthy narrator. The study shows that: 1. The addition by the trustworthy can be in the matn (text) or the chain of narrators 2. there is no one rule followed by the earlier scholars, including al-Bukhari, regarding the acceptance or rejection of the addition by the narrator. 3. The evidence upon which al-Bukhari used to accept or reject the addition is not limited since every hadith was independently studied Some of the evidence adopted by al-Bukhari to make preferences and that has been revealed by this study include: the number of narrators and their memorization abilities, preferring the better or more trustworthy memorizer, preferences of supporters and evidence, accepting the narration of the outstanding memorizer, integrating the narration that includes or lacks addition, accepting the narration which was said only by the prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, finding out that the reliable narrator made a mistake.
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