مدى تحقيق المناهج الدراسية للأهداف التربوية في المرحلة الأساسية في منطقة نابلس من وجهة نظر المشرفين التربويين والمديرين والمعلمين

Discussion Committee: 
Mazuz Jaber Jamil Saleh
This study aimed at identifying degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives in the primary schools in Nablus area from educators’ point of view. These included supervisors, principals and teachers. The main question raised in the study was the following: What was the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives in Nablus area primary schools from educational supervisors, principals’ and teaclrers’ points of view ? To test reliability of the study, the following hypotheses were put forward: l. There would be no statistically significant differences at α = 0.05 Concerning the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives in primary schools which could be attributed to sex. 2. There would be ho statistically significant differences at α = 0.05 pertaining to the school curricula achievement of educational goals in the primary schools which could be attributed to job, supervision, principal ship, and teaching. 3. There would be no statistically significant differences at α = 0.05 in the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives in the primary schools which could be attributed to qualification. 4. There would be ho statistically significant differences at α = 0.05 concerning the school curricula achievement of educational objectives in' A primary schools which could be attributed to specialization. 5. There would be to statistically significant differences at α = 0.05 concerning the school curricula achievement of educational objectives in primary schools which could be attributed to experience. The study population consisted of all educational supervisors working in Nablus Directorate of Education. Total number was 18: 14 males and four females. Total number of principals in Nablus primary schools was 106:52 males and 54 females. total number of teachers in Nablus primary schools was 1.117 : 581 males, and 536 females. A stratified random sample was chosen from the study population: educational supervisors (18), principals (22) and teachers (227) were chosen for this study. To achieve the study objective, a questionnaire was designed. it consisted of 63 items distributed among seven dimensions: mental, psychological , linguistic, physical, social, religious, economic, environmental and aesthetic. Questionnaire reliability was checked by presenting it to 23 referees working at both Najah N. University and BirZeit University . Validity was calculated by re- selection using pearson correlation coefficient .lt was 0.81. Kombach Alpha was also used to calculate internal consistency of questionnaire. It was 0.96. To answer the question of the study, both mean averages and percentages were used. t - test was used to test lrypotlresis ttl. One way analysis of variance ( Anova ) was used to test hypotheses # 2, 3, 4, 5. Results of study: 1. It was found that the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives was significant on the mental, psychological, linguistic, social, religious, environmental dimensions. lt was on average on economic and aesthetic dimensions. In general, the curricula degree of achievement of the dimensions combined was great. 2. There were statistically significant differences in the extent of school curricula achievement of educational objectives in the primary stage which could attributed to sex, in favor of females and on all dimensions Value of tabulated was (1.97) while value of calculated "T" was (3.9) 3. There were no statistically significant differences in the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives, in the primary school, which could be attributed to career. Value of tabulated "F" was (3.04) while value of calculated "F" was (1.62). 4. There were no statistically significant differences in the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives, in the prinrary schools which could be attributed to qualification. Value of tabulated "F" was (2.41) while value ofcalculated "F" was (0.76). 5. There were no statistically significant differences in the extent of school curricula achievement of educational objectives, in the primary school, which could be attributed to specialization . tabulated "F" was (2.l4) while calculated “F" was (0.99). 6. There were no statistically significant differences in the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives, in the primary stage, which could be attributed to experience. tabulated "F" was (2.65) while calculated "F" was (0.89). Study recommendations: 1. Involvement of educational supervisors, principals and teachers in school curricula planning. 2. Making use of this study findings concerning educational objectives in developing and planning more effective school curricula. 3. Necessity to conduct a study to measure the degree ofschool curricula achievement at the national dimension. 4. Providing tl1e means and the audio visual aids for the school curricula to help tl1e achievement of educational objectives. 5. Holding continuous training courses for supervisors, principals and teachers of both sexes, in all specializations, to keep them in touch with scholarly developments pertinent to school curricula and educational Objectives. 6. Appointing teachers, specialized in vocational education and music, in order to enrich the aesthetic aspect of academic curricula. 7. Evaluating all school curricula elements: objectives, content, methods, aids, and methods tools of evaluation. 8. Conducting similar studies which may include students in both primary and secondary stages, in government, private and UNRWA schools, to identify or determine extent of school curricula effectiveness in achieving educational objectives. 9. Conducting an empirical study to identify the degree of school curricula achievement of educational objectives in the primary stage.
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