كفاية المكان التربوية في المدارس الثانوية الحكومية في الضفة الغربية: دراسة مسحية

Discussion Committee: 
عبد الرحمن عودة الترك
This study aims at identifying the status quo of the adequacy of elements of schooling space and the extent of their availability in West Bank government secondary schools. This would allow the setting up of a comprehensive perception of the extent of school physical needs in terms of development, modernization, and renovation, thus rendering secondary schools capable of assuming their educational and teaching role properly. The target population of this study comprised all government secondary schools in the West Bank. Some 210 schools were covered in this study. The researcher conducted the comprehensive survey of the target population by using a questionnaire. In designing it, the researcher made use of education literature that tackled the relationship between the elements of adequate schooling space and the efficacy of the teaching process in general . Before the questionnaire took its final shape, the researcher ensured its validity by showing it to 18 referees of specialty and expertise . To test questionnaire constant, the researcher got the coefficient constant for this questionnaire by using T. Retest and Person correlation coefficient. The percentage of the questionnaire coefficient constant was 82%, a high percentage for the purposes of a scientific research . The study endeavored to answer five questions. After data collection and computer analysis, the results showed that the elements of schooling space adequacy are partly available. That is to say, some elements are available in some schools while lacking in others. Such elements included, inter alia, modern heating, cooling (air-conditioning) arts and music halls as well as closed playgrounds. Moreover, the study revealed the school principals' negative attitude toward their school premises in terms of their schooling adequacy. Additionally, the study revealed the physical needs necessary for the schools to become good and adequate as schooling places . In the light of the above findings, the researcher recommends the necessity to set up plans, allocate the necessary budgets to make elements of schooling space available, let alone improving the state of the existing elements so that they become appropriate for the educational process in accordance with standards, and criteria used in modern schools.
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