ظاهرة عمالة الأطفال في الضفة الغربية وسياسات مكافحتها

Discussion Committee: 
رائد احمد محمود زيد
The study discussed, the child labour phenomenon in the Wet bank , and its treating policies, aiming to understand the different sides of the phenomenon , through its volume , causes and tile effects resulting from. The study significance arises from tile necessity of forming a clear view of its nature in the West Bank , the definition of its spreading through the Palestinian society , at a time when the subject suffers from the dearth of the studies concerning this phenomenon. The study concentrated , mainly , on identifying the actual children's employment in the West Bank, analyzing all the domain sides ,besides defining the policies that have to be followed in order to limit its rampancy through the society , and getting rid of its negative effects. The researcher depended on tile descriptive method, assisted by the statistical tables and frames. The study depended, mainly, on the process of surveying the children's work and activities at the age of (5 – 17) years that had been conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, between October to December 1998, where tile results of the mentioned survey as a main source of the data and statistical indicators used in this study. This study consisted of an introduction and seven chapters. The introduction elaborated on the study's problem, its aims, methods used on implementing the study , besides a review of previous studies related to the subject. In 1J1Pfirst Chapter, the researcher dealt with the children's employment concept , where he explained what is meant by children's employment ,and the criteria used for distinguishing between what is accepted and the rejected of the duties conducted by children. The researcher explained that the children's employment medicates 10 harmful! ,unaccepted works that deprive the child of his childhood , as the child is pushed in for long, daily hours of work, for very low wages, this forbids the child from having his opportunity for enough education. Child's employment shows also the ugly exploitation, and hard and brutal treatment by tile employer . In the second chapter of the study, the case of the actual children's employment on the international and regional scales was dealt with in order to make sufficient comparison of the phenomenon's scale and volume within some Arab and foreign countries. Then the researcher's discussed the relationship of this phenomenon with the economic changes ,which have swept the world since the end of the last century, has so explained the role of the industrial countries in employing children as a means of enforcing their industrial supremacy and ensuring their share in the international markets in the face of many developed countries, The third chapter dealt with the different characteristics distinguishing the children's employment in the West Bank, concerning its volume , the age of children involved in this phenomenon, and the characteristics. The study revealed that there are 63600 children, of the age of (5 - 17) years, are employed in Palestinian territory, that's equivalent to 6.2% of the whole children of this age ,of these children there are 48000 are working children in the West Bank, equivalent to 7.4%of the whole number of children at this age, the phenomenon concentrate at the northern part of the West Bank, 53,8°(0besides,the employed children are mainly employed in the agricultural domain ,making up to 40,8%of the whole number of employed children. The fourth chapter dealt with the causes of this phenomenon, economic, educational, demographic, social and political factors, causing the children's employment, It was cleared that the hard economical situation of the families ,is considered to bean important factor in leading the children to work, in addition to the principal role of children's leaking of schools. The fifth chapter dealt with the negative effects of the phenomenon on the child, his family and the whole society, The study concentrated on the economic effects of the children's employment, where it was explained effects of the children's employment , where it was explained that the phenomenon averages in the West Bank, and the wages of the adult workers, is known to be as lightone,because50.4% of employed children are working within the families activities, with no wages "family work" ,and 42.5% work at simple works considered as neglected and undesired by adult workers. In the sixth chapter, the needed way and executive procedures for treating the phenomenon and limiting its spreading were discussed ,whereas mechanics followed by Palestinian ministry of laboring dealing with children working were cleared, and so were the projects put by the Palestinian ministry of education to limit the phenomenon of leaking children from school which is considered one of the main reasons which force children to work. In addition to programs encountering poverty and projects of creating job opportunities as a means of limiting this phenomenon by stopping spread of poverty among the Palestinian society. Finally, the researcher discussed the most prominent results and recommendations of the study, where he assured that the final elimination of this phenomenon ,related to several variations, will never achieved in one step, especially during the incapacity of the economical and social circumstances ,the matter that shows the need for dealing with this problem as a united team ,who can confront it through integral policies in all domains ,economical, educational health, legal, and social welfare, aiming to eliminate it thoroughly ,as treatment of this phenomenon can't be achieved through legal regulations alone.
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