تقويم كتاب الكيمياء للصف الأول الثانوي العلمي من وجهة نظر مشرفي ومعلمي العلوم في مدارس محافظات شمال فلسطين

Discussion Committee: 
جميل أحمد حامد بشارات
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chemistry textbook for the eleventh grades in the scientific stream as perceived by supervisors and teachers in the northern governorates of Palestine for the scholastic year 1999-2000. This study aimed at identifying the evaluation estimates regarding the chemistry textbook designed for the eleventh grades by supervisors and teachers. Central to the purposes of this study was the evaluation of the book design, the introduction of the book, content , teaching methods , evaluation instruments, and the role of the book in developing pupils' attitudes . this all to determine the extent to which the chemistry book is appropriate as a means of instruction , and to reveal the weakness and strength areas in the book. The population of the study consists of all supervisors and teachers who are still actively working in the schools of the directorates of education of the northern governorates of Palestine. The number of supervisors is four and that of teachers is sixty one. The researcher developed an instrument question are to achieve the goals of the study. This question are encompasses forty two items covering six domains, book design, the introduction, content, teaching methods, evaluation techniques, and the role of the book in developing the pupils' attitudes. Eight qualified referees approved of the researcher used krounpach-alpha formula. The value ( the stability factor) was 0.92. Person Formula was also used and the value ( the stability factor) was 0.91. The findings of the study showed that the degree of evaluation was moderate in general. Also the evaluation degree was moderate on all domains excluding the book design and the evaluation instruments . For these two domains, the evaluation degree was high. Results revealed that gender has impact on the evaluation of teachers and supervisors. males showed better evaluations than females. However, these are significant difference between the means of the responses of the teachers and supervisors attributed to education level. Also a significant difference in favor of the experienced group ( less than ten years of experience ) was found for all domains. The total evaluation degree was better among supervisors than teachers, meaning that profession has a significant impact on the evaluation process. In the light of these results, the researcher recommended that teachers must attend workshops and training programs. He also recommended the production and introduction of modern teaching methods. He also added that the schools should have laps and necessary equipment. Further recommendations were the necessary of showing the role of Arab and Islamic scientists (chemists) in this field of science. He also urged that summaries must be included at the end of each unit to help pupils comprehend well .Increasing the number of classes and conducting Further studies were among the researcher's recommendations.
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