الكوفية الفلسطينية زيا شعبيا ورمزا نضاليا

د. مجدي خضر الكردي

This study examined the alkofia Palestinian incumbent (scarf) to be considered Uniforms popularly and a symbol of popular Mein Kampf
The study showed stages of the alkofia Palestinian has become even note of the flags of freedom flying in the skies of World revolutions.
The study concluded the following results:
1. Palestinian scarf with the Palestinian everywhere
2. Palestinian headdress, a symbol Ndhalaa Kvahia.
3. Crossed the faithful to the reality of the Palestinian revolution and become a science of freedom
4. The body of President Yasser Arafat, the role of the keffiyeh has become even address the Palestinian people.
5. Song on the scarf and reached a high position in the hearts of the Palestinian people