International protection of women during armed conflicts

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Basel Mansour/supervisor
Dr. Mohamad Shalaldeh/external examiner
Dr.Na'el Taha/internal examiner
Dr. Basel Mansour/supervisor
Mariam Ammar Masarweh
Since the dawn of human history, war is necessary in the event of all times, has suffered a devastating wars occurred and human horrors over the years and centuries. These were wars –and still- sweeping the country and hurt the people, and destroy wealth and national landmarks civilizations, and increased severity of generation after generation in view of the enormous development in weapons of mass equipment. Which it called for an international law regulating the rules and customs of war, and it governs relations between the warring forces, and ensure the protection of civilians and the wounded and prisoners, and alleviate the tragedies left behind by wars and armed conflicts. Which showed the development of the movement and the legalization of international humanitarian law in the sixties of the nineteenth century and which rules have continued to develop - as a result of atrocities committed during the wars, and for the protection of humanitarian and without discrimination of any of the categories at the expense of others - under the so-called international humanitarian law. Prove the facts and peoples experiences that the most vulnerable groups in society such as women and children are the most vulnerable to abuse during an armed conflict, whether internal or external, women represent an easy victim directly and targeted for gross violations during armed conflicts, except that it bears all the disastrous effects of these conflicts. As a result, we received the problems faced by women in situations of armed conflict increased attention of the twentieth century has witnessed a quantum leap in the field of the protection of women during armed conflict and strengthen their position in society and enhance their role in achieving peace and international security. Despite that humanity has made tremendous strides on behalf of women, and made a lot of achievements in many areas pertaining to women, but the situation of women in armed conflict remains a serious and cannot be tolerated, there are millions of women around the world do not continue to be subjected to various kinds of violations of their rights In addition to physical and psychological harm, except for exploitation, especially sexual exploitation during armed conflicts. This study was divided into two semesters in addition to the introductory chapter. Explain the introductory chapter of Women in international law and the historical evolution of the protection during armed conflicts, where the researcher section of this chapter into two sections each Study of part of it to two demands, spoke first section on women in international law where he addressed the first demand from him the meaning of the woman General in terms of women Definition Language and idiomatically and defined by law and in accordance with Islamic law, in addition to the definition of the child, and also taking second requirement is intended to women in international law in terms of international efforts to develop rules to protect women. The second section talked about the historical development of the protection of women during armed conflicts where he addressed the first demand from the protection of women in ancient times in terms of the legality of the war in ancient times and the rules of the protection of women under the divine religions, including the protection of women in religion "of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic law", as second requirement talked the protection of women in modern times in terms of the meaning of conflicts in modern times and the general protection of women during armed conflicts, including the distinction between combatants and non-combatants, including discrimination and ambiguity. And explain the first chapter of preventive measures for women during armed conflicts, where the researcher section of this chapter into two sections each Study of part of it to the three demands, talked first section all the necessary precautions for women when planning the hostilities where he addressed the first demand of it to identify targets before launching hostilities, including efforts international efforts to reduce the dangers to women during the hostilities and to identify targets and in accordance with Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Convention in 1977, the second requirement also addressed advance warning before launching hostilities, including the position of Jurisprudence of advance warning before launching hostilities and according to the first protocol in 1977 prior warning, the third demand was to address means and methods of warfare used in the hostilities, including restricting the quality of means and methods of fighting and quality illegal weapons and fighting illegal methods. The second section talked about the necessary precautions for women against the effects of hostilities where he addressed the first demand from international protection for the evacuation of women and deported from the besieged areas and enclosed during the hostilities, also addressed the second demand international protection for families separated during the hostilities, including in international armed conflicts and non-and the international legal regime for the registration of refugees during the hostilities as well as the establishment of a safe and neutral zones during the hostilities, the third requirement addressed the international protection of women from the threat of landmines and booby traps, including the impact of the mine on women and international efforts to ease the pain of women from landmines. The second chapter of the international protection of women from the effects of hostilities, where researcher section of this chapter into two sections each Study of part of it to the three demands, the first topic for the international protection of women occur during armed conflicts where addressed in the first demand from international rights for women civil servants, including protection public and private for women during armed conflicts, and addressed as the second international demand rights for women posts in the hostilities, including the protection of women prisoners and detainees, and the third requirement addressed the protection of women in the occupied territories "under military occupation." The second section talked about the international mechanisms for the protection of women during armed conflicts where addressed in the first demand from the global efforts of international organizations and regional concerned with the protection of women during armed conflicts, also addressed the second requirement of international responsibility of individuals before the international criminal justice in light of the temporary international criminal courts - "Nuremberg and Tokyo "and" Yugoslavia and Rwanda "- and the permanent international criminal Court, the third requirement addressed the effects of armed conflict on women and women's role in resolving these conflicts.
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