Victory and Defeat, Quranic study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Mehsen Al-Khaldi
Abdellatif Hassan Mohammed Marshod
This study included a preface, an introduction and four chapters. In the preface, the researcher explained the struggle between (Haq), rightness, and (Batil), incorrectness, as an introductory, to victory and defeat. The researcher also clarified the definition of Haq and Batil, the relation between them, and the reasons behind their struggle. The first chapter dealt with the definition of victory and other related terms. The researcher demonstrated the sings of victory, its relations, and the role of human effort in achieving victory. Furthermore, the researcher pointed out what most people ask about: victory preciptance, victory lateness, victory forms, and victory preventions. In the second chapter, the researcher illustrated the definition of defeat, its effects and the relations concerned with this concept. Moreover, the researcher demonstrated the effect of defeat on civilizations drawing attention to the Islamic civilization which doesn't accept defeat. The researcher also talked about the psychological and spiritual defeat ending the chapter with presenting the distinction of the Holy Quran from other beliefs in dealing with the events of defeat and victory. The third chapter talked about the reasons, behind victory: faith, strength of Aqidah (principles of faith), worship, wise leadership, preparation and Allah support. But the reasons behind defeat are: disobediences, and sins, dispute and separation, proudness of majority, orrogance and hypocrisy and hypocrites. Chapter four was devoted of Allah Practice and His rule of victory with details about their definitions, relations features and types. Further, the researcher illustrated the strange dubious contradiction which people use to deal with the scientific rule in a different way from Allh rule even though both of them are from Allah. In addition, the researcher answered some questions and falsifications about forming a rule controlling victory. The researcher mentioned principles of Allah rule of victory supported by certain details.
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