Torture between Islamic Law and the Geneva Convention and the Hague and the Against Torture, a Comparative Study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Jamal hashash/suprevisor
Dr. Mohammad Assaf/external examiner
Dr.Hasan Khader/internal examiner
Dr. Jamal hashash/suprevisor
Bashar Abed-Al Raouf Abed-Al Rahman Abdullah
This research deals with the question of torture and related provisions of the legitimacy and compared by international laws and conventions. In terms of this research in its infancy the concept of torture in the language and terminology in the international laws, then go Search to explain some of the concepts of torture, including the criminalization of torture and use of this Quranic The term outlook jurisprudence of the subject without losing sight of torture methods, goals and objectives. Then, I made a statement issues relating to torture in the case of war, in terms of concept and target groups And the means and methods used in the war, moving to indicate the position of Islam and its implications The use of torture, ending a statement on the impact that impart the nature of war or lawlessness on torture. As it clarifies some of the issues relating to torture in the case of peace, in terms of concept categories Targeted with a statement of objectives and reasons for Islam's position on torture in the case of the ladder, and then you Clarifying the relation of torturing opponents of the regimes or nationals of other countries and is located on the Criminal responsibility and the difference between torture and all of discipline and punishment legitimacy. This message concluded by talking about the torture of animals, in terms of the concept and the position of Islam from him and the methods used, and then I explained the issue of the use of animals in experiments and use it for entertainmen
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