Supervisory Modes that Practiced by Elementary and Secondary School Principals from Teachers' Points of View

Discussion Committee: 
احمد علي احمد الشوا
This study aimed at investigating modes that practiced by elementary and secondary school principals in Nablus Governorate area, by determining the dominant supervisory mode from teachers' points of view. It also aimed at investigating effects of variables of sex, major, qualification, experience, and location of school on those supervisory modes. More specifically, this study attempted to answer the following question: What is the dominant supervisory mode for elementary and secondary school principals in Nablus Governorate area as seen by teachers, and whether these supervisory modes differ according to variables of sex, major, qualification, experience, and location of school? In order to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire based on studies in supervision of instruction, and in the related literature. The questionnaire constructed from (49) questions distributed on five modes, which were: Autocratic mode (12) questions, diplomatic mode (9) questions, laissez-fair mode (11) questions, democratic mode (8) questions, and collaborative mode (9) questions. The questionnaire was validated by a committee of specialists, whereas the reliability was assessed by using Cronbach's Alpha equation, which was (0.96). The population of the study consisted of (2253) male and female public school of Nablus Governorate area. A sample of (460) was chosen randomly which represents approximately (20%) of the original population. After analyzing the results, the study revealed the following: 1- Democratic supervisory mode was seen by teachers to be the dominant mode, so that it ranked the first with mean of (4.21), followed by the collaborative mode with mean of (4.16). Whereas the diplomatic and the laissez fair modes ranked moderate with means of (2.99, 2.4) respectively. The autocratic supervisory mode ranked lastly with mean of (1.99). 2- There were no statically differences in supervisory modes scale attributed to variable of sex, major, qualification, experience, and location of school. 3- There were statically significant differences in autocratic supervisory mode between male and female teachers in favor of male teachers. Also there were statically significant differences in laissez fair supervisory mode between elementary and secondary school teachers in favor of secondary school teachers. The finding also revealed that there were statically significant between teachers with (1-10) years of experience and above (10) years of experience in favor of above (10) years of experience. In the light of these finding, the researcher recommended the necessity to train principals accomplish their supervisory tasks effectively in schools, with special attention and focus toward the importance of human and constructive relationship between teachers and principals in schools. Further studies of this nature is also recommended on country level as well.
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