Subordinated Responsibility for his Subordinate's Act in the Palestinian Civil Bill A comparative study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Akram Daoud
Rabee Najeh Rajeh Abu Hasan
The subordinated responsibility for his subordinate's act (fault) is a form of responsibility for the action of others, and responsibility for the action of others is a case of tortuous responsibility and the tortuous, along with the contractive represent the civil responsibility, which in turn is a part of legal responsibility, and all of these types are within the item responsibility in general, so we began the research with the introductory chapter, through which we showed the concept of responsibility in general, and showed also the types of this responsibility and distinguished between these types, and in this chapter we discussed the case of availability of conditions of the opinionative and tortuous responsibilities in a single act, in this case we found that the combination of the two responsibilities is not legal, but it is legally to choose between them, and then We dealt with the basis of tortuous responsibility in law and jurisprudence under consideration, some of which founded it on the injury and the others did not specify their position clearly. Chapter I was started with a historical entrance of the subordinated responsibility, and dealt with the subordinated responsibility in the old laws which are the historical sources of the laws under consideration , so we addressed this responsibility in the Roman law, the French law, the Islamic jurisprudence, and the English law. Chapter II dealt with the conditions of subordinated responsibility and the basis for this responsibility, and it was found that the subordinated responsibility, and to be valid, there must be a relationship of subordination between the subordinate and the subordinated, and that the subordinate really committed an act that defects others, and that this act is done during or because of job, this in addition to terms of the civil infractions law, but regarding the act done by function or foreign act, they do not cause subordinated responsibility, as We dealt with the exceptions provided by the civil infractions law on this responsibility. Regarding the subordinated responsibility, it was found that the doctrine differed markedly in determining this basis, Some estimate it on a personal basis and some evaluate them on an objective basis, but for the jurisdiction and law we found that they tend to introduce the idea of security or bond. We have allocated Chapter III to study the effects of responsibility, within two basic relations, the first is the relationship of the injured with the subordinate and the subordinated, and the second has focused on the relationship between the subordinate and the subordinated, the injured in some of the laws has the option to return on the subordinate and the subordinated or on both, and in other laws the injured can return only on the subordinate, and he can return on the subordinated only after the availability of certain conditions. As for the relationship between the subordinate and the subordinated, we found that the subordinated has the right to return his subordinate to recover what he had paid to the injured, although some laws (civil infractions) did not expressly provide that in the context of their organization of the subordinated responsibility, but it was by reference to the general rules.
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