Stylistic Study in Alkahf Sura

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Khaleel Auda
Marwan Mohamed Saed Abd-Elrahman
This applied study, which consist of three chapters, searches in Alkahf Sura, according to Stylistic Method, which searches into the different aspects of linguistics: critically. This study is distinguished in the sense that it covers the whole Sura. In the first chapter, it explores the phonetic level, and its musical and aesthetical significance .In addition the semantic level and the features of the exact expressions are explored. Then the associative relations among the accurately chosen words including: synonyms, antonyms, and polyesmy are studied. In the 2sd chapter, This significant phenomena of this Sura together with its expressive meanings are investigate. Among these phenomena are: repetition, singular and plural, definite and indefinite, backward and forward, interrogation, and surprise. In the third chapter, I studied the artistic imaging of the Sura،In which imaginary expressions depending on figurative formed together with its artistic images in which we can notice clearly the artistic images in which we can clearly notice the artistic harmony of all these images.
Pages Count: 