Sports Injuries in the Islamic Penal Legislation

Discussion Committee: 
Dr.Marwan Al Qadoumi
Orubah Naser "Mohammad Saif" Al-Shorfa
This thesis aims to clarify the meaning of the incidence and types of injuries and it's multiple components and methods of prevention, and to clarify the criminal responsibility of sports injuries, and the basis for this responsibility, also the study aims to clarify rights of players, which is guaranteed by Islam, as balanced legislation, which is not excessive in any of the rights of the injured, by passing the law of these sports games, which limited the punishment within the playing field, without any aggressor to bear the consequences of these result of assault and breaching international criminal law, which omitted, it did not pay attention, and gave full validity for the rules of the game to take its course. The research has built of a number of issues and questions, which it forms in its Cohesion a unit of sports injuries in the criminal legislation, such as that dated briefly for ancient sports, as Muslims, and clarify its importance in these nations, particularly the Muslims, who placed special care in accordance with certain restrictions and controls, for the benefit of every member of society. Thus, the thesis talked about the legality of sports in Islam, and interest in, and praising it as a physical force, and an important criterion for the selection of men. The thesis discussed also the general concept and types of the injuries, and it's components in terms of: prevalence and spread of games, age of the players, organs of the body, and the severity of injury and it's seriousness, and the proportion of their impact on human, as explained the methods of prevention of these injuries. And one of the issues which also discussed by the research, the criminal responsibility; concept and its elements, Forensic and legitimate basis, and the reasons for the punishment to the player, and also the methods that lead to prevent the punishment of the player. Among these cases, further. that the thesis clarify human patient, And the elements of the crime without the human psyche. And also, gave an example of application of a modem and well-known games, with a ruling passed in this regard. And also, gave an example of criminal application on one of the modem and famous games, with clarifying the rule which it forefront in this regard.
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