The Rules of Adultery Child

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Marwan Ali Qadumi
Ahmed Abed El Majeed Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein
Thanks to great Al mighty, and peace on his prophet, Mohammed peace upon him, this thesis carries the title of " The rules of adultery children" presented by Ahmed Abed El Majeed Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein and supervised by Dr. Marqan Ali Qadumi as fulfillment for the requirement of graduation in the MA program in Feqh and Tashree in faculty of higher studies at Najah national university in year 1429h/ 2008m. Islamic law is holding a significant position in our society, and I have made all my efforts to make it pure, protected and away from all types of blasphemy. Despite all this, some individuals may fall in the sins, and carried by adultery, and the results will be children of adultery. This thesis objective is to summarize the rules children of adultery, and I have divided it into a preface, three chapters and conclusion. In the preface, I give a thoroughly definition of adultery, and the evidence of its prohibition in Islamic cannons, moreover this chapter shows the punishment of this kind of behavior. In the first chapter I have indicated the meaning of the children of adultery, and the difference between this child and other types of born, like rape, cursing, ..etc. Topic s in this chapter will be discussed like Adultery in Islam, meanings and the Islamic view of this child and if he can hold high positions in Islam, like the legal positions, and leadership. The second chapter of this thesis discusses the genealogy of children of adultery, if it is to the mother or the father, and I have also discuses in this chapter issues like heredity, expenses, caring if it is to the mother or the father. The third and final chapter of this study, discussed the limits punishments. I have explained in this chapter terms like Aqelah, and the punishment of killing the father to the child of adultery, and if there is a theft in this case. The thesis is ended by a conclusion that summarized the findings of this study, and summarizes the main results and gave the important recommendations.
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