Quranic Discourse of Israelites Alexical Stylistic Study

Discussion Committee: 
Prof.Khalil Odeh - Head and Supervisor
Prof.Yahya Jaber - Co Supervisor
Prof.Hasan Selwade - External Examiner
Prof.Odeh Abdullah - Internal Examiner
Prof.Khalil Odeh
Prof.Yahya Jaber
Lafi M. M. Zaqout
The proposal sheels light on the Quranic Rhetoric in addressing the sons of Jacob. There is a prelude study that distinguish hes between concepts of Hebrew, Jew and on Israeli. There's so ademonstration of the historical progress of the Hebraeans through ages. In chapter one, there's a phonetic analysis – of the Quranic Readdressing Hebrews througle studying internal and external rhythmic meters – as well as argument of phonetic Phnom of phonemic an a logy and syuable of allophones and their Hey significance. In chapter tow, the terms in the Rhetonc are chassified into three fields : Behavioral, Descriptive and Rteri but ional semantic fields which are defined as one and whole fields of interior significance. In chapter three, there's après entation of the structure an alysis of the Quramic Rhetoric, arguing an extraordinary composition methodology and unprecedented rhetorical semantics the context itself necessitates. There's also an influential terminology choice of context in chiding nouns, verbs, past tenses, derivatives, plurals, definite and non definite, context omission and notification, as well as pres entation and procrastination . There's also adiscussion of style building composition phenomena like drawing attention and reference. In the last chapter, there's the artistic image in the Quranic Rhetoric through word building terms, similie, metaphor, symbol, story and truth, which define the prominent properties of this phenomenon . The thesis concludes recommendations and morals followed by a summary that this thesis and topic study contents aim at.
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