PRINCIPLES OF QUR'ANIC EXEGESIS By Lutfullah bin Muhammad Al-Ardarumi Study and Verification

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Muhsin Samih Al-Khalidi/suprvisor
Dr. Hatem Tameme/external examiner
Dr. Odeh Abdellah/internal examiner
Dr. Muhsin Samih Al-Khalidi/suprvisor
Muntaser Najib Sudqi Abu Hasan
This thesis was divided into two parts: Part One: includes talking about the author’s era in the twelfth century Hijri, with highlighting the positive aspects of that age, as well as the author’s biography thoroughly. Followed by demonstrating the subject of the book, the methodology used by the author and his sources, in addition exhibiting the value and importance of this work, and mentioning some criticism to some of its points. Proving the authenticity of the manuscript to the author, shedding light upon the title, then describing the manuscript and its copies. Part two: in which a demonstration and validation of the whole original text (Introduction, chapters and conclusion) with checking the differences in other manuscripts and commenting upon the necessary points. As for the introduction, it contains the reference to the importance of taking care of the Holy Qur’an, stating the reasons of this work, as well as its description, in addition to the author’s methodology. Whereas the chapters point at the revelation, writing and compilation of the Holy Qur’an, with the indication to the Makki and Madani, the meaning of the Qur’an, the related sciences, the reasons of differences in exegesis as well as the ways of consideration, what is related to abrogation in the Qur’an and the wisdom behind it, modes of recitation the Mutawatir( ) among them and non Mutawatir, eloquence and fluency in Qur’an and inimitable nature of the Holy Qur’an. In the conclusion, the author emphasizes the methods of the monotheism, the advice with the Holy Qur’an.
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