Principles of Palestinian-Israel security Arrangement's in the West Bank & its Political Development Implications

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Abdul Sattar Qasem /suprisor
Dr. Amneh Badran/external examiner
Dr. Ebrahem Abu Jaber/internal examinr
Prof. Abdul Sattar Qasem /suprisor
Mohammad Naji Mohammad Awad
This study has sought to find out the impact of the security arrangements, signed by the Palestinians and the Israelis, on the process of political development in the West Bank. To that end, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method to give the topic its due. After data collection and analysis, the researcher arrived at a number of conclusions. First, the Palestinian security organs have been the outcome of agreements with the Israeli side and Oslo Accords in particular. These security establishments over the years have suffered from organizational, administrative and financial problems at the training and arrangement levels. These problems stemmed from a number of important items in the agreements with the Israeli side. Since the advent of Palestinian Authority (PA), these agreements with the occupier, and the security arrangements resulting from them, have imposed on the Palestinian security establishment general conduct and internal policies. These included political detention, dispersal of public gatherings and demonstrations organized by the Palestinian factions. This is in addition to fighting armed resistance of the occupation. As a result, the Palestinian factions have all felt themselves away from these security organs. Both sides have lost trust in each other which accordingly has been reflected on the Palestinian public scene. A state of contempt and absence of confidence has prevailed in the Palestinian street. There is a strong feeling that the security organs are helpless and cannot protect their members from detention raids carried out by the Israeli occupation forces. These organs have also failed to protect their members from the revenge of families and clans in incidents in which they had to make arrests of their members to the extent that they sustained injury and even suffered fatalities. Equally serious is also their unwillingness to try leaderships in these security organs who were involved in illegal acts. All this has had great impact on the morale of the security members. As a result, these organs have failed to play a positive and active role in political development. Political development is realized through the revision of the political system and encouragement of young men and women to enter political life, spread of government-well planned political culture and realization of equality in duties and rights between all citizens. In addition, political development is made possible through enhancement of the civil society institutions, support and reinforcement of professional unions and human rights organizations with national agendas and legal supervision. In the light of the study findings the researcher recommends introduction of number of measures to change the situation. One suggestion is to explore avenues for approximating relationships and points of view, between the Palestinian citizen and the security organs, through education of the former on the missions and nature of work of these organs and the conditions in which they operate. Another suggestion is to give interest /attention to the political upbringing of the Palestinian citizens, from young age, through different channels of education, summer camps which could bring together Palestinian youngsters and the security organs to teach them to like joining these organs and accept them as partners in organization of life in this homeland and protection of Palestinian citizen’s interests and rights. Finally, the researcher suggests that agreements ratified with the Israeli side be reconsidered to free the Palestinian citizens from their drawbacks which harm their own interests.
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