Post- War and Disaster Reconstruction Strategies in Palestine

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Hasan AL- Qadi - Supervisor
Dr. Jamal Ammer - External Examiner
Dr. Ali Abdelhameed - Internal Examiner
Dr. Hasan AL- Qadi
Muath “Muhamad Basher” Tahir
The study discusses the post war and disaster reconstruction strategies in Palestine, as it has a particular importance at the national and humanitarian level in the present and future time; the study presents the theoretical concepts of the reconstruction after disasters and deals with some international and local case studies and experiences in this field. The study aims primarily to shed light on the post war and disaster reconstruction experience in Palestine, and evaluate them by comparing with the experiences of other countries and based on the theoretical framework in order to attain a comprehensive reconstruction strategy in Palestine this help to achieve greater effectiveness in the future to face disaster and carry out all the responsibility of reconstruction work to get better outcomes for the people and place, especially that Palestine is still under occupation, and exposed to Israel systemic destruction processes as well as the possibility of natural disasters such as earthquakes. To achieve the objective of this study some theoretical concepts concerning the reconstruction after disasters have been reviewed as well as some experiences from other countries in this field And then compare them with the Palestinian case study, in order to prepare a proper strategy to be implemented in Palestine, which will raise the level of post disaster management and reconstruction, the study based on the descriptive and analytical methodology using a combination of research tools such as interviews and questionnaires. The findings of this study formed in a set of conclusions, recommendations and proposed strategies in order to improve the reality in the ground and avoid the past mistakes.
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