The Political Ideology of Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and its Reflection on the Political Development

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. abdul-sattar Qasem
Nazim Abdul-mutalib Mah'd Omar
This study dealt with the relationship between the ideology of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and the political development in it. This study is emerged from the hypothesis which says: Al Jihad Movement is calling up the efforts to fight the Israelis and expelling them from Palestine through martyrdom. However, it doesn't focus on the political stirring at high levels to serve the liberation of Palestine. It also plays a weak role in the political development and an acting role in facing the occupation. It discusses through its seven chapters the ideology of the movement to prove the truth ness claim of its hypothesis. It explained in the first chapter the necessary mentioned idioms and concepts. Then it listed a summary of the Palestinian ideology in the beginning of the last century till the establishment of the movement to inform the reader of the historical sequence and the unsteadiness which caused the movement to emerge. I discussed in third and fourth chapters the details of the establishment of the movement since its ideas were being discussed by the core establishes during their study in Egypt and how these ideas have been converted to reality in Gaza and the West Bank. In addition to its breaking through of military resistance and its involvement in the First Intifada to be one of the effective resistance in the Palestinian arena. I also discussed in the fourth chapter its ideology as well as its principles and its means to achieve its aims. There principles ,aims and principles completely harmonizes the hypothesis from the aspects of its emerge from Islam as a doctrine, life system and the Islamic Law in the unification of the nation and the free world to liberate Palestine through martyrdom. Then it discussed in its fifth chapter the relation of the movement in religion and politics. It dealt with the relation of the movement which the Islamic Movement in general and the Brotherhood Movement and Hamas Movement in particular. It also showed the natural of this relation which is supporting the hypothesis of the study which shows the desire of the movement for calling up the efforts to liberate Palestine by military martyrdom. This study shows that this movement has a good relation with Iran and it considers the Shiite as Muslims who have some disagreement in opinion. The third section of this chapter deals with its relation with the PLO and its factions which has common interest between them for the liberation of Palestine. And it has good relation with The Arab regimes as well as the Palestinian Authority despite the ideological political difference with them as it gave the superiority to politics not the ideology to get their supports .This can be shown in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter discussed education program of the movement and how it is related to martyrdom and education controversial and how planted the martyrdom idea, the love of Palestine through faith and worshiping in the course of calling up the process which the movement leads for the liberation of Palestine. In addition it discussed the science and knowledge in the ideology of the movement. Then it dealt with the altitude of the movement towards women which is accordance with the calling up process in demanding the women to take their role in martyrdom. The last chapter discusses the vision of the movement to the conflict and how it considered it as a comprehensive civilization which has its strategic, political doctrinal sides. And Palestine is the country of this collision with the West and the Zionism. The end of this study presented the self sides which leads to the political backwardness which stands as an obstacle in front of the political development for the objective sides represented in the occupation.
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