Planning of Public Services in Cities A Case Study of Makhfiyeh Neighborhood in Nablus City

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Khaled Qamheih
Mohammed Ghassan Abdullrahman Abdallah Jurf
This thesis is concerned with studying the planning of public services in cities in general and in Nablus city in particular, with emphasis on the distribution of these services in Makhfiyeh area as a case study for neighborhood units in the city. The study aims at identifying the status of public services that are required by the residents in the area. These services include educational, health, social, religious, cultural and recreational facilities as well as the public parks. The current situation of the services is analyzed and evaluated in addition to the determination of needs and existing problems. Moreover, certain strategies and proposals concerning the planning and development of these services are given in the light of the population growth and physical expansion of the city and the study area. The methodology of the study is based mainly of the both the descriptive and analytical research methods. The required data were collected from different sources, in addition to the data and descriptive information that were collected through the physical survey of the public services and land uses in the study area. Also, some interviews with experts and related persons in Nablus Municipality were conducted in order to have their opinion about the distribution of public services in Nablus city in general and in Makhfiyeh area in particular. The results of the study indicated that there is a lack in some public services such as educational, health, recreational, social, and cultural services both on the city level and study area level. Also, the results show the crowding of students in classrooms both in schools and in kindergartens. Furthermore, the study indicated the lack of public land for the purposes of establishing public services and facilities in Nablus city. The study has recommended the necessity of providing public services in Makhfiyeh area, particularly recreational, social and cultural services, in the light of population increase in the area. In addition, it recommended the revision of the distribution of public services, mainly educational and health services, in Nablus city as well as the provision of financial sources for sustaining land required for public services through the coordination between the municipality and other related governmental institutions. Finally, the study has emphasized the significance and necessity of considering the planning regulations and standards related to the distribution and allocation of public services in the areas of future expansion in the city in accordance with the expected population size.
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