Physical injury compensation in civil law/A comparative study

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Amjad Hassan /supervisor
Dr. Mohamad Qayissi/external examiner
Dr.Ghasan Khaled/internal examiner
Dr. Amjad Hassan /supervisor
Ammar Mahmoud Iseeedeh
The aim of the following study is to high lights the physical injury in the jurisprudence , Judiciary and legislations wich control the subject by using the analytic coparative method among many legislations and laws, the following study is also aims to define the physical injuries and the mechanism the Physical injuries compensation and wich injuries must be compensated , In addition of highlighting physical injuries resulting of road and labour accident ,Further more ,the following study aims to clarify the applied laws in Palestine which control the stydy , The study contains tow chapters , the first chapter is about the general provisions of physical injuries compensation, I also talked in chapter one about the pillars and the elements of the physical injuries , I also stated the physical injuries prosecution, whence the assessment of the compensation for physical injuries in the principle of the evenness between the injury and the compensation estimating , With highlight the base Of the responsibility for physical injuries compensation and the litigants of the physical injuries compensation lawsuit, the right to choose between the civil or Penal code and lawsuit obsolescence . The second chapter is about the special judgements of the physical injuries compensation. I also stated in the second chapter the labour accident compensation mentioning the labour accident concept ,and the employer commitment s before and after the physical injury ,with highlighting the elements of the physical injuries compensation which resulting of labour accidents ,and the cases of dropping the lawsuit of the compensation .I in addition of showing the others responsibility of the compensation .I also stated in chapter two the road accidents physical injuries compensation and the injuries compensation lawsuit .Further more the responsibility of the Palestine fund oe the compensation , and the effected right to urgent payments moreover of mentioning the obsolescence of the road accident compensation lawsuit.
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