Performance and Body Fatty Acid Composition of Broiler Chicks, Fed Different Dietary Fat Sources.

Discussion Committee: 
Prof. Jamal Abo Omar/ Supervisor
Dr. Iyad Abdel Afou Badran /External Examiner
Dr. Rateb Aref Othman / Internal Examiner
Prof. Jamal Abo Omar/ Supervisor
Mohammad Abed Alraheem Alqub
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of feeding different dietary fat sources in the finisher rations of broilers including sesame oil (SO) olive oil sediments (OS), and poultry grease (PG) in comparison to the traditional oil supplement, the soybean soap stock oil (SS) on growth performance, dressing percentage, carcass cut, blood lipid profile and meat quality i.e. water holding capacity(WHC), cell forming unit(CFU). A total of 208 day-old Cobb- 500 chicks were used in this experiment. Birds were divided into four experimental treatments of 52 birds in each, Each treatment was composed of 4 replicates with 13 birds in each. At the termination of the experiment birds were slaughtered for examining the carcass merits, visceral organs and the dressing percentages. Results showed that type of oil had significant effects on feed intake(FI), final body weight(BW) and feed conversion efficiency(FCR). Chicks fed the OS consumed more (P<0.05) feed compared to birds fed other oil supplements. Both PG and SS resulted in similar intake, however, birds fed with the SO had the lowest (P<0.05) FI. Highest (P<0.05) weight was observed in birds fed with SS followed by birds fed the PG. OS resulted in the lowest (P<0.05) average final weights. FCR was the best (P<0.05) in birds fed the SS, however, the lowest (P<0.05) was in birds fed the SO. At d 28, FCR was the best (P<0.05) in birds consuming the SO and PG, however, at d 35 PG had the best (P<0.05) positive effect on feed conversion while the OS had the highest (P<0.05) negative effect. Heavier (P<0.05) carcass weights were observed in chicks fed the OS and the SS compared to carcasses of birds fed with PG and SO. The dressing percentages were higher (P<0.05) in birds fed the OS compared to that for other birds. Birds fed the SS and SO had better (P<0.05) dressing percentages compared to that in PG birds. Meat of broilers fed the OS had the highest (P<0.05) WHC followed by birds consuming the SO. However, the WHC was the lowest in birds fed the SS. The olive oil sediment caused about more than 100% improvement in WHC compared to the traditionally used soap stock oil. The highest carcass contamination was detected in carcasses of birds fed the SS, however, the least contaminated were the carcasses of birds fed the OS. At 28 d of age were affected by oil supplementation. At 40 d of age the effects of oil supplemented followed different trends. High density lipoprotein (HDL) levels were reduced (P<0.05) by all types of oil which had variable effects. The levels of that parameter were lowest in birds fed with SS, however, the OS has the least effect in reduction of HDL. Both SS and OS had no effect on low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels at age of 40 d. however, both SS and PG caused an increase (P<0.05) in LDL levels. Different effects were observed on the effect of oil type on triglycerides (TG), OS and the PG caused significant increase (P<0.05) in the levels of TG, which was not affected by SO and SS. Levels of total Cholesterol (TCHO) were reduced (P<0.05) by all types of supplemented oils. PG resulted in an increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels compared to effects of other oil supplements that had no effects on this parameter.
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